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Everything posted by Benm

  1. Just posted. It was sikkkk
  2. Sounds like blue on a 7.5/10 day
  3. He's like 40000mg too deep
  4. Decent day today, at least early on. Wish it'd stay a little less busy a little longer. Nice weather for the parking lot. Big fan of all the pizza talk.
  5. I fucking love this so much @AirheadD8 so you welded angle iron to it and added a smokestack in two hrs or was it already like that
  6. That is fucking amazing
  7. i asked customer service, they do not. dang it.
  8. snap thanks
  9. ... sneaky no $50 credit or whatever for early purchase. at least i'm not seeing it
  10. wow i am stunned. i'm waiting to see if cbk offers a 'locals' p2p. their normal SP would be $470 for me. would bite if the diff was +$50.
  11. same here. tbh i've given up. the main problem spot can be mostly avoided with some good momentum and by driving through the yard. i've just been too lazy to remove a small garden flag holder thing that's in the way. that ends today.
  12. Thanks for posting, i feel a lot better about the state of my driveway now.
  13. So did anyone go to blue today?
  14. Didn't know you were still up. Wind starting to pick up here. If it weren't for the rain, id have taken mine out of the shed in advance. I, too, anticipate some ol' tyme livin'
  15. Yup. Tried taking the dog for a walk around the yard. Grass, fucking grass, was like a skating rink. The little bit of snow hides things really well. Hopefully the rain removes it. Tomorrow isn't looking so good.
  16. i had to go that route too. got up what i could yesterday but its still a disaster. here's hoping 42deg and rain sun clears things up
  17. I have to work. Thanks tho.
  18. I can't believe i actually read all that shit
  19. Cool more garbage
  20. Benm

    Sale rumors...

    Wake me when it doesn't take an hour to get to the summit.
  21. I don't have Spotify because i just use YouTube with ad blockers but i did watch a couple of your YouTube videos with the ads playing all the way through. best i can do.
  22. Benm

    Sale rumors...

    i don't think updating that stuff is high priority for a place like susquehanna county.
  23. that part caught my attention, since earlier (i posted somewhere) it was seriously restricted, like a 2hr window mon-wed. i just checked their site and it looks like it's changed (still says 2024/2025 SP)
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