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Everything posted by Benm

  1. Benm

    Zee Lights

    oh lordy its beautiful they also fixed the main st camera
  2. just below 2" here, what a tease.
  3. damn thats boujee as shit
  4. dunno at this point
  5. best news i've heard all day. thanks.
  6. Never had any issues with outbound stadium traffic. Tho i never needed to take 476 because i was so close. Bridges however were bad sometimes going in (Platt especially). see: swarthmore, marple, radnor. i say just let it stay congested. from my understanding, the reason they were bitching in the first place was that 6 lanes would cause too much pollution, noise etc. Dug their own hole. Not that it matters tho... PHL creep is gonna hit those towns in the next 10 years anyway and all the people who opposed it will be dead or have long moved. agreed, trains are great except night games unless you live in center city (stadium subway runs to regional rail but RR outbound stops around 11pm). Lots of SEPTA ads promote taking the trains to games. When parking is $40/car, it's a great option...
  7. pretty sure his problem stems from holier than thou, NIMBY delcoans who refused to allow 3 lanes in each direction on 476 .
  8. the trains worth taking on septa doesn't usually run that late.
  9. do people actually go to the ugly sweater party thing or no?
  10. i took some photos omw back today, not sure if there's anything noteworthy, but here they are.
  11. wow just wow the vis today.
  12. ok 12/5 - Arrived at like 6PM. Ski bag zipper mostly frozen shut but got it opened enough so that i could wrangle them out one by one, jerry tier mistake. Ghost town. Did some runs. Left. Main highlight was finding out omw back that the only biz open on my way there will make me a hoagie starting at 5:30AM.
  13. Benm

    Zee Lights

    Anyone going up tonight?
  14. yah i know what it means pen day ho
  15. lo-que-dijo.jpg or is this not the right place for that meme?
  16. sounds magical
  17. i want to say yes but prob not, at least not in AM. 😢
  18. i couldn't agree with you more.
  19. yuge upgrades between 1pm and 3pm from NWS- bust out the shovels in malvern.
  20. Anything untreated here was icy by the time I got back. Roads were all treated tho. Pretty sure I'm going to ditch work tomorrow and will be at the true mountain instead.
  21. I'm right at the bottom of the purple.
  22. huge jump up from last afternoon (4" in monroe and much less below the carbon line). usually they update this product around 8am and 4pm daily so i'll be checking it in the AM for sure. I've found it to be the most accurate reporting for my area over the last couple of years and i don't think i've met anyone who knows that it exists. i'm really looking forward to my day off of work on monday -- https://www.weather.gov/phi/winter
  23. tried that once. didn't work too well. our vet said to don't even bother washing the dog, unless it gets skunked or something...
  24. I'll be in delco for the holiday fml. hoping to get in some night skiing on Fri when i return. Otherwise I'll need to wait until Sat. also, mark your calendars. 12" snow on evening of dec 16. I know this because I have to go into the office Mon/Tues outside PHL and that's my luck.
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