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Everything posted by Benm

  1. I did not pick these skis out for any particular reason aside from the fact that they were long and cheap. They are craigslist specials from probably 10 years ago. I got a lot of looks with those skis on a SEPTA train in August during rush hour. Volkl P30s - long, I don't know the length offhand but I can figure it out later today. They have white and red Marker bindings, unlike the photo here. Last season I was on these and rentals (i didn't have boots for the volkls until later in the season). Just a note - this is not my photo. My skis are in a pole barn 100 yards away and I'm way too lazy to go get them. Thanks
  2. i'll be there sat AM. what's the parking lot like there in the morning? tailgating encouraged? my first year going. thanks.
  3. hi, i have been researching new equipment and i am struggling. i posted in another forum but it was for people from mostly europe. we all know PA is nothing like that. i found this PA forum so i figured I would post here instead. I have a lot of experience and was doing double black moguls at killington at 17 years. I am 35 and stopped maybe 7 years ago but went a few times last year, felt the excitement again and got a season pass for this year. I mihgt be picking up some new gear tomorrow and I was looking for advice on what to look for. In the past, my parents bought it when i was a minor or I went on craigslist and bought whatever cheap poo-poo was available because i was poor. so i have never actually 'shopped'. Anyway, if anyone could give me guidance on what to tell the ski shop people to help them get a grasp on what I'm looking for, it would be helpful. I've seen things like telling them level 3 (or 3+) and that I'd prefer a stiffer (higher?) DIN. Longer has always been better. Short skis were never comfortable. Is there any equipment out that would sort of fit the following scenario -- I'm an advanced skier who is looking for something that is aggressive, fast and, maybe the word would be 'technical' (?) (think moguls / slalom, not big air or jumps). At the same time, I've never really cared about freestyle or parks, though it would be nice to have a ski where I can play around to see if it's something I want to get into. I'm also not looking for the absolute best of the best skis, just something that people consistently recommend and a model that is a perennial top-pick. I am not planning on transitioning into something where these skis would become 'park' skis. I plan on buying a cheap, probably used, short pair of twin tips in case I feel like just taking it easy some days. If I want to become more park focused, I'll buy a nicer set for that application. Recommendations on what to tell staff about boots and bindings would also be a plus. i know that i want stiff boots, but that's about it. pros / cons of opting for already mounted bindings vs pick specific ones? I don't know if the bindings that come pre-mounted are tuned for that specific model of ski. also are skis with already mounted bindings tuned or will i need to get them sharpened/waxed? Sorry, I know there are a lot of questions here, but any help you all can give would be much appreciated. Lots of good info so far in these forums. I'll be skiing Blue mainly and i'm on the monroe/carbon county border. Thanks all.
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