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Everything posted by Benm

  1. Benm

    Elk 1/22/22

    better start practicing because that quad is getting pretty suspect at least elk had a wide open area to work with. would probably be a lot trickier in the narrow paths in the woods cut out for blue's lifts.
  2. Benm

    Elk 1/22/22

    i wonder if that lift services beginner terrain. imagine being panicked over being plucked from a lift, then having to navigate those bumps lol
  3. Benm

    Elk 1/22/22

    just saw this on the news
  4. some people on main st chair got quite a show i think i slid halfway down chute on my back headfirst some pics overflow lot was full
  5. psa maronis is closed tues i am in shambles need to find a replacement
  6. no but i will check it out thanks. dr phil prob thinks the guys behavior is abhorrent but then again dr phil is a dbag
  7. "bweep bweep bweep cart narcs here" i tried linking the channel but my phone opens it in youtube and i cant find it. if you dont know about cart narcs on youtube, it is absolute gold
  8. mad comfy today got a lot more than a dusting thats for sure
  9. i think so....
  10. it all hinges on whether or not @toast21602 got the snowblower fixed.
  11. someone said it earlier - cbk attracts NY/NJ crowd who will pay for premium parking. that isn't blue's clientele. maybe blue can charge for that row at the top where we park and something close to the tubing maybe. i just don't see it happening.
  12. i don't care where i park as long as theres a port-a-potty and i can get a ride on that little cart on demand. could you imagine 10+ of us mfers on that thing lmao
  13. i'm just over here making a list of where i'm going after we wrap up... nepapizzareview dot com . not sure how i hadn't come across it before. i will definitely not be skipping anthony's next time im up in the electric city.
  14. misread my calendar, i'm likely in.
  15. i am desperately waiting to hear what ppls thoughts are of revellos and im wondering where @NMSKI 's review of athonys is. serious business
  16. youre not alone
  17. Benm

    Zee Lights

  18. i would likely be interested on a weekday following this
  19. wow dougs phone is back onliine
  20. Benm

    Zee Lights

    whats rail jam
  21. overflow lot or whatever it is north of us was packed
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