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Everything posted by Benm

  1. Benm

    Zee Lights

    I don't get this Rodneys crew meme but I think it may have been Rodneys crew.
  2. Benm

    Zee Lights

    Not bad out there. Some old heads literally grillin on the tailgate when I was packin up. Smelled mmm mmm good.
  3. Benm

    Image Of The Day..

    Omw to blue now, hopefully I can enjoy some low viz
  4. It'll be great not having to dodge around the race teams.
  5. not sure what it means but the cat has been attacking the trail to the left of the six pack for the last half hr. of course, right when i wrote that he just drove off...
  6. closed all of tues. fuckin great, i was gonna hit it OMW back from SEPA
  7. Is it wrong to feel surprised he let that little nugget of info out? I thought there'd be some sort of big reveal on FB or something. Or maybe I'm just overthinking it.
  8. Wow are those J cups
  9. I could be wrong but I thought rope drop guy said valley opening Fri. Might be worth mentioning. Unless thats not right, in which case pls let me know since I've cleared out my Fri AM
  10. It's warm
  11. Benm

    Zee Lights

    ok, i'm guessing it'll be tues since i absolutely cannot make it that morning. thanks.
  12. Benm

    Zee Lights

    just curious, do they open the valley on weekends or prime days? or can it open on a wednesday for all they care? thanks ❤️
  13. i spoke to the super smokin hot chat lady and she said the rain put a dent in everything. nothing to say about the rain this wknd tho.
  14. Benm

    Zee Lights

    oh lordy its beautiful they also fixed the main st camera
  15. just below 2" here, what a tease.
  16. damn thats boujee as shit
  17. dunno at this point
  18. best news i've heard all day. thanks.
  19. Never had any issues with outbound stadium traffic. Tho i never needed to take 476 because i was so close. Bridges however were bad sometimes going in (Platt especially). see: swarthmore, marple, radnor. i say just let it stay congested. from my understanding, the reason they were bitching in the first place was that 6 lanes would cause too much pollution, noise etc. Dug their own hole. Not that it matters tho... PHL creep is gonna hit those towns in the next 10 years anyway and all the people who opposed it will be dead or have long moved. agreed, trains are great except night games unless you live in center city (stadium subway runs to regional rail but RR outbound stops around 11pm). Lots of SEPTA ads promote taking the trains to games. When parking is $40/car, it's a great option...
  20. pretty sure his problem stems from holier than thou, NIMBY delcoans who refused to allow 3 lanes in each direction on 476 .
  21. the trains worth taking on septa doesn't usually run that late.
  22. do people actually go to the ugly sweater party thing or no?
  23. i took some photos omw back today, not sure if there's anything noteworthy, but here they are.
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