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About Benm

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    Skier & Snowboarder
  • Home Mountain
    Blue Mountain

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Downhill Racer

Downhill Racer (7/10)

  1. Reeeeeeeeeeeee go away
  2. looks like something that should be at knoebels.
  3. Thanks Joseph
  4. Just posted. It was sikkkk
  5. Sounds like blue on a 7.5/10 day
  6. He's like 40000mg too deep
  7. Decent day today, at least early on. Wish it'd stay a little less busy a little longer. Nice weather for the parking lot. Big fan of all the pizza talk.
  8. I fucking love this so much @AirheadD8 so you welded angle iron to it and added a smokestack in two hrs or was it already like that
  9. That is fucking amazing
  10. i asked customer service, they do not. dang it.
  11. snap thanks
  12. ... sneaky no $50 credit or whatever for early purchase. at least i'm not seeing it
  13. wow i am stunned. i'm waiting to see if cbk offers a 'locals' p2p. their normal SP would be $470 for me. would bite if the diff was +$50.
  14. same here. tbh i've given up. the main problem spot can be mostly avoided with some good momentum and by driving through the yard. i've just been too lazy to remove a small garden flag holder thing that's in the way. that ends today.
  15. Thanks for posting, i feel a lot better about the state of my driveway now.
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