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About skiincy

  • Birthday April 5

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  • Equipment
    Salomon QST 85 w.Atomic Shift & Atomic Centry w.Dynafit TLT Speed Radicals and Scarpa GEA
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  • Home Mountain
    Blue Mountain / Epic / Ikon

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  • Location
    Bala Cynwyd, PA

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GS racer

GS racer (5/10)

  1. Fun PASR party! Here are some pics I snapped of people Didn’t have a red carpet with a tiny microphone but i thought @Johnny Law, @mute1080 , @Mixilplix and @Dirtwolf‘s Canadian tuxedo were the best outfits of the day Here’s are some lifestyle shots some scenes from the food All of the food was delicious — as always. But these pretzel roll breakfast sandwiches were phenomenal
  2. @Schif and I missed a ski weekend — but — we have a lot of leftover wedding cake that we’ll bring to Bleu soon!
  3. I have 2 pairs of touring bindings. It's the same name as @Barb but maybe I have TLT or slightly diff version because they don't have breaks. They look more similar to these. https://www.dynafit.com/en-us/speed-radical-binding-08-0000048948 My speed radical bindings don't have breaks but it has a little clip/lease that attaches to my boot. I only had 1 issue with it so far. While in France, my ski did ski fly away and went down the hill through a fence ... but we were walking down a hill (because France doesn't close trails), the snow stopped, and we had to cross a mud field. it was "fun".. haha My other pair is Atomic Shift bindings. They're cool and they feel more traditional. They're more beefy. What's the process like for touring at Shawnee @toast21602 now? Do you have to check in with ski patrol? Do you have to buy a pass?
  4. Loved today! It was nice to have so many runs open and so few people. soggy and wet, but worth it. wish I had a clear lens on my goggles though. @enjoralas made some delicious meats — as usual. But I think I was most impressed that he’s able to get the tent collapsed by himself.
  5. We're in SK, row 15, so a bit across from you. You'll be able to find us. We'll be the 2 people in white. Getting into state college tonight and staying at my cousin's in Centre Hall. No idea our plans but I really hope to eat some ice cream at the Creamery. Hoping we can ski on Sunday
  6. Does anyone know if blue is okay? Is there any damage to the resort? @saltyant @AirheadD8
  7. Anyone else see the Blue mountain email? Any interest in doing a PASR -- laser tag, mountain bike, & beer drinking in a parking lot -- sometime in August? Laser tag with a big group of PASR sounds way more fun than with randos.
  8. I have the same bag. Big fan of it!
  9. me, @Schif and Wally were driving from Philly to NEPA for some easter festivities, so despite the broken wrist - we stopped at Bleu for some final bonus runs to close out the season. We skied a couple runs with @GrilledSteezeSandwich and @Mixilplix then hung in the parking lot for a bit. Here are some final parking lot moments of 2023-24 season.
  10. skiincy

    Sale rumors...

    To who @indiggio?
  11. No, we've shared bags when we flew to Colorado a couple of times. I won't share nachos but I'll share a skig bag though.
  12. Together, we checked 1 ski bag and 1 medium size we both had small carryon rollers (mostly all ski gear & essentials) and a small backpack for plane things
  13. Ski Day 3 - sunshine ☀️ - Tuesday @Schif and I skied with each other for most of day 1 and 2. So by day 3, we tried to do a group ski for a bit. here is the ski day 3 video recap. The sun was shining! You could actually see the mountains. It was so refreshing to not be in a snow globe. you could see a ton of fresh slides across the mountain too. We tried to go to Val Thorens with the group but mostly stayed in Meribel-Mottaret. There were powder stashes just off piste and it was lovely. The groomed parts eventually became quite scrappy in Meribel-Mottaret, so we broke off into a smaller group and went to Val Thorens. These are the runs we * think * we did. 1. Tougnete 1 2. Combes 3. ROC de tougne 4. ROC de Tougne 5. Chatelet x 2 6. Mont Vallon 7. Combes 1 8. ROC de tougne The group wanted to stop for hot chocolate and meet up with the full group. We wanted to keep skiing. So we stopped briefly and then broke away from the group but took Amy with us. We headed over to Val Thorens and it was lovely. We wish we could have gotten there earlier. I think we did these lifts while at VT. 1. Granges 2. Roc 1 3. Brueyeres 1 4. VT3 plein sud 5. VT15 6. VT4 7. Plan des mains 8. Pas du lac 1 to 2 to folie douche We went to Folie Douche around 4pm for the final hour and it was amazing. note: after I posted this I noticed the shirtless guy and the couple making out. It’s basically the Jersey Shore. 😂 Again - crushed a pitcher with Mike, had champagne sprayed on us, danced on tables, people were shirtless or bra only, and you know - typical Sweet Madness stuff. Since Folie closes at 5pm, we skied to Rond Point. But since it was a sunny gorgeous day - there was quite the line. We listened to the music and wish we had some backpack beers to jam out. It was S’s birthday so we all went out to dinner at La Galette (restaurant-lagalette-meribel.com). We ate fondue and raclette. It was delicious. we went to another bar for 1 drink and were up quite late. We check out of the Airbnb the next day - so we had a bunch of bags to pack. We skiied 1 more day and switched to a hotel the next day
  14. Ah man! Your Crested Butte house was lovellllly!!! And loved even more that you got to share it with so many people. ❤️ The new UTV is sick. Does it have a name yet?
  15. Day 2 - Cloudy with a chance of Apres - Monday Here's a quick video recap of ski day 2 in The 3 Vallees. It was still raining when @Schifand I woke up. The clouds were thick and visibility was low in the morning. The day started with breakfast of eggs and sausage with the gang at the chalet. Given Schif's wrist and the weather, we got on the chair around 10am instead of 9am — hoping the clouds would pass. But it didn’t. The visibility was crazy low. I’ve never skied in worse conditions. Since we could only see about 10 feet in front of us, the slower wet snow, and the wrist, we weren't going very fast on Monday. Our goal was to go to Val Thorens and get up high where there would be snow. We found snow but couldn’t go off-piste much because of the visibility. The videos and pictures I took were during some of best moments of visibility. When we could go slightly off trail, the snow was wonnnnnderful. To start, we took these 7 lifts 1. Tougnete 1, gondola 2. Granges 3. Bruyères 1, gondola 4. Bruyères 1, gondola 5. VT27 6. VT35 7. VT33 - Cime Caron, tram We skied over to Cime Caron and found a tram that took us to one of the highest points at 3200 meters (about 10,400 feet). It's the purple star that I marked on the map below. For comparison, the BASE of Loveland Ski Resort is at 10,500 feet. So for the most part, elevation sickness really wasn't a problem during the trip since the french alps are quite lower (in comparison to the US west). BUT - Being at the top of the tram with full-on white-out conditions, it was a bit trippy in a vertigo sense. At the top of Cime Caron, it looked like hamster tunnel. We couldn’t see a damn thing. On a clear day, you can see into Italy and Mount Blanc - I suppose. We skied down and holy cow. It was a group effort. Wind was howling. Visibility was awful. No more than 5-6 feet. Everyone was in it together and the cluster of random people helped each other. People stayed in small pods. A solo skier asked if she could ski with us. It was quite the experience but we made it down. It wasn’t that steep or challenging, just truly couldn’t see anything. The run was either a red or black. Here is a video of Mike heading towards Cime Caron after that wild run. The line of snow / mountain / ski was just all white especially at the top. We took VT31 (a small gondola) and then we took Plein Sud ... only to find Folie Douce - Val Thorens. Since Mike didn’t party yesterday, we stopped for some fist pumping. Bonus: mike was instructed to elevate his arm. Fist pumping is essentially elevating it.. right? Folie Douce is a bit of a chain. I believe there are 7 across Europe. https://www.lafoliedouce.com/en/ After the pitcher of beer, we headed back to Meribel to apres with the gang. But the gang went in early because of the awful weather. One thing about 3 Valleys is there’s a ton of variations in lifts and gondolas. We took VT4 which is a double cable gondola that runs 3 gondolas together. It's in the video above (^^) We could probably write an entire post about the lifts we experienced. On the way back we took: 8. VT4 thé three gondola 9. Plan des mains 10. Pas du lac 1 to 2 We stopped at Round Point which was so fun. They have a giant umbrella that goes up and down, which was super helpful with the weather. They had a live British band. We danced to the hits of Queen with a ton of brits. Crushed a pitcher of beer - again. And had a great time despite the conditions and injury. Mike was holding off on getting the Rx but by this point - he was in pain and the swelling was getting worse. So we stopped at Le Pharmacie for meds. Note: Turns out the green cross in France is the pharmacy and not @GrilledSteezeSandwich favorite establishment. We had dinner with the gang in the chalet. I think it was some rice and chicken combo that A made. And B made a homemade carrot cake that was banging for dessert. We ended the night playing a tortilla slap game and spent the rest of the night bullshitting with each other.
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