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    Blue Mountain

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Good Form (4/10)

  1. primed and ready to go...
  2. I think they go one more weekend with limited terrain.
  3. sat possibly for sure Sunday.
  4. my jorts are ready...
  5. sat and sun for me
  6. I am curious where the KSL pullout rumor came from?
  7. Out... Will be in EU that week for work.
  8. They love riding their snow mobiles all over so why not just ride them up razors...
  9. Skiing was meh… but enjo coming in hot again… cheese steak and wings hit the spot for me…
  10. I’m going to head there just for shits and giggles. In kunk we got mainly all sleet and there is a small crusty layer on top.
  11. Well... I am just sitting here in the big apple trying to reintegrate back reality of work after this weekend. The stars aligned that I could sneak away last minute for the weekend and with a favorable snow forecast I was giddy and excited to get out there. My flight to Jackson was the last scheduled flight to land on Friday night. After some delays leaving EWR and increasing snow in JH, I was busy with a lot of flight tracking, weather checks and sweaty palms the whole flight just hoping I'd get in and not diverted. Luckly there was enough of a break in the action, and we squeaked in there using every inch of the runway. Saturday was a good day of skiing as other have said, but Sunday was even better. That first run down the Hobacks on Sunday was a run that will be seared in my mind for life. Seriously can say that it was one of the best runs ever for me. I had packed enough stuff to be stuck there for a few more days and was not so secretly hoping that I wouldn't have been able to get out yesterday. Oh well. Overall, it was most excellent way to spend a weekend. JADIP.
  12. closed out yesterday with a few laps in the ditch... Did not disappoint one bit.
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