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Everything posted by Dirtwolf

  1. 24th
  2. they must have received my handwritten letter very nicely asking to stay open until my return.
  3. Good shit today for sure… fingers crossed for opening on the 25th….
  4. No bueno for me... I'll be away the from the 13th to the 26th
  5. Still waiting for my greatest hits mixtape to arrive…
  6. This morning is probably in the top 5 days of the season for me.
  7. lots of the bumps last night had exposed fast grass in the troughs... home strech was also looking quite thin...
  8. Should be nice a spring like later!
  9. I already did.
  10. Just a bit early...
  11. Had a blast last night. Arrived at top lot around 6 and went until close with perfect spring conditions. Groomed stuff was good as to be expected but the weird and obscure was the most fun. Spent a lot of time in the bumps and random ditches.
  12. One was there twice too...
  13. I shall be present for both days.
  14. Blowin on challenge
  15. One of the days for sure...
  16. I'd have to agree that today was significantly better than anything in the past two weeks. It was nice to have some firm non-sugar snow.
  17. Only had time for a few quick runs this morning so skied opening bell to 9:45. Others above have covered the conditions. Maybe will head back up later...
  18. That I can get on board with…
  19. slut it up more next time
  20. Yea, I will probably be up around 6ish for a few runs.
  21. Couldn't agree more! Skies are tools that are meant to be used! I added a few scars in the coming soon ditch the other night...
  22. Last night was my favorite kind of night sesh with soft spring snow everywhere and relatively light crowds. Arrived around 6 and was the last to get on summit safari lift at close back up to the top lot. Lapped coming soon ditch pretty much the whole time with a few sends off upper upper mixed in here and there. Forgot to add that on one ride up the quad, heard the unmistakable sound of a car accident. Turns out someone didn't look pulling out of bottom lot and got slammed by someone driving down Blue Mountain Rd. I think the wooden fence across the street from the entrance may have some damage.
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