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Everything posted by poconoceancity

  1. CB always blows up to presidents weekend.
  2. I would just buy another ticket and follow the him around all day.
  3. I'll be there early probably 7:30, which means I'll leave the OC at 5 AM.
  4. Paradise is one of the best green trails in Pa...it's up there with Nile.
  5. They didn't shut down after the first death?
  6. You and the boys all have season passes. You should park by the Stevenson, if you are there before 9:00 you can park about 30 feet from the lift.
  7. 300 more feet of vert...
  8. Theta Chi
  9. It was $10 with a college ID. My fraternity had several social events there and they always gave us great group rates.
  10. Sally Slifkin...
  11. I went there in the late 90's. We used to hit Blue Knob on Sun. nights for $10.
  12. What school?
  13. I've heard that PA has the largest Klan membership...I would have thought it was an old confederate state.
  14. It would take much more than that. The average member of this MB is under 20 with no real income or borrowing power.
  15. Scumbag insurance companies probably won't cover it and when you add jewelry to your policy the rates go through the roof.
  16. Of course you should go...I'm planning a bachelor party right now for Montreal this spring.
  17. In my fraternity days a brick was handed down weekly to the brother who drug home the biggest pig. Then there was the golden brick given at the formal to the brother who drug home the most brick chicks over the semester.
  18. Ever done the math on a 48m note and what the daily ticket sales alone need to be to average out a repayment? 6 grand per million per month...So about 300k per month.
  19. Do you live in Split Rock?
  20. I'm not the best speller and I've learned how decipher most of the misspelled posts.
  21. Don't mess with the NJEA...
  22. So is BC, but it's north of Spring.
  23. How is Spring Mt. still open?
  24. On your way to BB from JF cut through Split Rock. There is a deli on the left just past Shanninagans called Juniors. They have by far the best Breakfast sandwiches in the Poconos. That way is shorter than taking 940 to 115 to 903.
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