I am waiting for Indy Pass info to drop this summer before buying any pass, although epic northeast $335 student price is very tempting with roundtop being the closest ski area to me at just under 1hr away. Might even do both (for less than the cost of Blue!). Issue is that epic areas will all likely continue to be zoos on weekends, and I also have a vendetta against Vail for taking over and screwing up good old Ski Roundtop.
If by some miracle it turns out I can get more than 4-6 days trips out of Indy, without having to do insane day trip drives to the out-of-state places, that is what I will do. Currently only Shawnee, which largely lacks challenge, and Blue Knob, which usually lacks snow, are easily day trip-able for me. $199 was last year's price, which could likely go up, but, while inexpensive, would only be worth it if I used it up North a good bit.
If any, and I really mean literally any (even Spring or Sawmill), of the other currently unaffiliated areas in PA get added to Indy that would make the decision easy for me to get it. Or Plattekill. Platty would definitely make it worth it.