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Everything posted by train36

  1. I llike to keep my edges sharp if I feel like doing some other runs on the mountain. I add 2 degrees of bevel on my base edge so my edges don't hang up on rails, some people like to detune everything but I don't. Any other options, looks like its going to be Bear Creek. Any opinions on the base grind?
  2. I want to get my stuff tuned before the season this year. I usaually do it myself but don't have time. Anyone know of any good shops? I want to get my edges sharpened on my old board and some bevel added to the base edge of my new park board. Also anyone know how often you should get a base grind, I have a an older board I still use a lot and am wondering if I should get this done. As for shops I was thinking of Bear Creek since I will be up there to get my pass this weekend or Buckmans since its not that far from me. Any info is much appreciated.
  3. Bear Creek is a great resort to go to if you are into the park, if you like to cruise than definiley go with Blue. I am getting another pass to Bear this year b/c I love their park and its closest to me so I can get up there on weekdays. If you want longer runs and and a nice high speed quad go with Blue, although it would be more expensive and their park is terrible. If you are into the park and want a cheaper pass go to Bear. I like getting the cheap pass to Bear to play around in the park and just to get on the snow fast when I want to. If I fell like freeriding I'll go to other resorts like Blue or Elk.
  4. train36

    New Stuff

    Going to get a new park board, a Neversummer Evo, I'll probably going to order it soon. I bought some Ride Flight Tomcats at the end of last season I haven't used which will go good with it.
  5. train36

    magna traction

    I thik its a cool idea and I am prety sure more of their boards will be fearturing this system this year. The idea is that there is more than one effective edge, the effective edge goes in and out so you havce a bunch of small contact points, kind of like a bunch of small hockey skates on the side of your board. Form what I have heard the board rides real good and excels in bad conditions. I would like to demo one before I went out and bought one though. With the edges going in and out like they do I would think it would be very diffficult to tune.
  6. I have noticed the same thing at Blue about their snow quality, but always thought it had to do with their location. When I go to other mountains further North (like JF/BB) their man made snow always seems a lot better along with their grooming. I still think Blue does a great job, no one blows as much snow as they do. Also Razors and Challange always seem to in better shape than the rest of the mountain, especially Razors.
  7. train36

    Wide Boards

    What kind of board? Freestyle, Freeride, or an all round. Also what size feet do you have? You may be able to get away with a mid-wide board that will be quicker edge to edge than a wider board.
  8. I will be getting the unlimited pass again as well, hopefully prices stay the same . I would be in to meeting up to get a discount.
  9. I will also be going to Bear Creek this year, was very happy with it last year. Passes are cheap, the park is great, and its real close. I will pay to freeride at other resorts on discount days when I get bored with Bear Creek. I am in if you guys wanna try and get a discount, I know they have a discount if you buy two or more passes.
  10. I would like to be there but friday is my last day of college and my birthday and I will be heading downtown to celebrate Goodluck to everyone that is entering, I hope they put in the big flat-down rail they have, that should make it interesting. Take some pics and get some video footage for those of us that can't make it.
  11. train36

    Plastic or Steel?

    Exactly, that particular bnding has had a lot of problems and I hear the heel cup is really thin so its hard to get a lot of boots in. As for the tomcats they are expensive but I got mine towards the end of this season for 160.00 shipped which isn't bad at all. The MIGS I paid an arm and leg for but I think they are worth it.
  12. train36

    Plastic or Steel?

    I love Ride bindings, at least the ones I have( Flight MIGs and Flight Tomcats), so I would recommend them. As for technine, I have not got the chance to ride any but I like the Justin Hebel model the best and have heard nothing but bad things about the MFM models so stay away from them. But they do have a lifetime warranty and their customer service is great so that is a huge plus. Also solamon is another good choice, heard great things about their whole lineup boots, bindings and boards ( I am looking at a prospect now). I also have had Drakes but too many loose screws and had the strap break a couple times but they were alright.
  13. train36

    Plastic or Steel?

    No, you most likely won't have any extra toe drag because they sit mostly on the top of the foot and cupped a little on the front. Toe drag is not a problem with these and I never heard of anyone complaining of it. They might even help reduce it because the strap actually pushes you foot all the way back in the binding.
  14. train36

    Plastic or Steel?

    I myself am not a Burton fan but many people like their bindings a lot this year. The only thing is that I don't know if they fit well with all boots so I would definitley bring your boot with you if plan on purchasing them. I had the Tech9 Baltimore strap on my Ride Bindings which is similar to the Burton design and I did not care for it that much. I didn't like how thay fit and work, I like regular toe straps better. But there are also people that swear by them, so its all personal opinion.
  15. train36

    Plastic or Steel?

    Really thats odd, I have about 40 days on My Flight MIGs and have not had any problems with them compared to my Drakes which broke about 5 times. Which bindings did he have, I have heard of problems with the lower end stuff, but not that much from the SPI and up. I do hear soloman makes a good binding.
  16. train36

    Plastic or Steel?

    I have rode on a bunch of bidings and love my metal basplates. You feel some more vibration but the response is awesome. I won't ever buy a plastic binding again. Right now I ride Ride Flight MIGs on my all mountain setup, and Ride Flight Tomcats on my park board. I love these bindings, they weigh next to nothing and are lighter than almost all the plastic bindings out there. In my opinion Ride bindings are the best on the market.
  17. I think Elk is closing on saturday , but I might try to hit up shawnee this weekend, is night riding still open there too.
  18. train36

    Stone grind

    When exactly is it time to get it stone ground? I never did this to my boards but none of them are real old either. Also anyone know a good shop that can take some bevel off my freestlye board. I plan on getting a new board and like to go about -2 on my base bevel for rails and such, I did this to myself to my old board but don't want to mess up a new board.
  19. Damn some real nice shots. Looks like I'll be looking at those pics all summer waiting for Bear to open again, can't believe the season is ending.
  20. I would most likely be in as well. I have been there twice this season and its a great place, soooooo many trails.
  21. train36

    Elk or Hunter

    A foot of snow!!! That sounds fun, can't go thursday my car has to get fixed but am going to try to make it up there on friday. They are supposed to stay open to April 2nd I think.
  22. train36

    BC park?

    Thats awesome that he he landed those 720's. I met him on the lift last night, he really kills the park. Bears Park has a good variety of stuff. Off the top of my head, Jumps, probably about 8+ jumps ranging from big 40 ft, 30 ft , to some 15 and 20 ft., also some smaller ones and some step ups and a quarterpipe. The have a flat-down box, flat box, flat rail, big flat-down rail, down rail, nice wide straight rail, wide c- box, another not as wide c-box, long rainbow box, a few rainbow rails ranging in different sizes, two up-flat -down rails, a couple not that long straight rails, a couple mailbox rails one is real long, flat-down-flat rail, a triple A frame box they have set up as flat-down right now. Thats what I can remember from last night, I probably have left out some stuff, believe me you will not be dissapointed.
  23. Bear Creek will be issuing 20$ lift tickets from now until the end of the season just to let everyone know. Also there is a rail jam on 19th and pond skimming on the 26th if anyone is interested.
  24. That is terrible, temps are suppose to stay low and there is no reason for them to close, I wanted to hit it up next weekend but guess thats not going to happen. How is JF park because I still might be going to a friends house up there next weekend.
  25. Thats ridiculous, can not believe they would close so early. How will JF's park be, might be heading up there.
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