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Everything posted by train36

  1. I hope they stay open until April, conditions today were pretty good, they were grooming the park in the morning and opened it around 11:00 but most of the rails had chunks of ice on them from the storm so people were trying to scrape the ice of with their boards. The wide flat-down rail they put in at the top of sidewinder is nice and the park was in pretty good shape beside the ice on the rails. Razors was in good shape as usual but challenge was awesome I was mostly doing laps on that . Keep blowing snow Blue I got my 1/2 price coupon and I'll be back..
  2. Nice to hear that the park is going to stay like that. I was going to hit up blue today but the weather is suppose to suck, rain all moring then some snow but 20-30 mph winds to go with and some gusts up to 45mph. I will most likely be up there tommorow.
  3. I wish to thank them as well as I bought a pass there this season and have not been disappointed. I just get back from there and the park was in great condition as usual and conditions overall were great, the jumpline is sick. It does lack in freeriding but the park is the best in PA. I'd rather buy a pass here (its cheap) and pay to freeride at other resorts (Blue,Elk), plus its the closest resort to me. Bear did an exceptional job maintaining their park, I will be getting a pass there again next year.
  4. train36

    Blue Knob

    Eventhough barely anything was open when I went it was a good time. The bowl was a lot of fun along with stembogen trail. There was another diamond trail lopen but not sure which one it was. They had a couple nice long cruising runs that were fun. I liked that you could get off the lift halfway up and start off at the top of the diamonds. We had some snow when I went so getting up the road that leads top of the mt. where the lodge is was tough. My only complaint was the lack of trails open and the amount of beginners on the tougher slopes, probably because there was a limited number of trails open at the time. But the scenery there was nice and it is a real good mountain for PA, I would like to get there when it is fully open , or right after a good storm because some of those tree runs looked like a lot of fun.
  5. Its definitley the best park around PA, at least that I have been to, I am glad I got a pass there this season. What it lacks in vert, It makes up with nicely setup jumps, rails, boxes and a decent pipe. I hear Boulder has a decent setup and want to check it out as well.
  6. Whats up hallraker, train36 from SB.com. Whats up everybody just got back from Bear a little while ago and today was real nice. All the landings were nice and soft and the park crew was going through and fixing up all the lips real nice. The jump line is real nice and there was some kids going off, saw a few back flips, though you are not suppose to be inverted no one seemed to care. Temps are suppose to drop and they need to blow some snow to touch some stuff up but the park was in pretty good conditon. Its pretty hard to explain everything thats there they have such a good variety, the rainbow box/ rail is about 6 inches wide and about 20-25 feet long, and is a lot of fun. They have about 6-8 jumps ranging in sizes and lots of boxes and rails. If you have not hit up Bear yet and like doing some park riding I suggest you get there. They schedule contests frequently check the website www.skibearcreek.com. I was talking to a guy that works there and there is a big-air contests towards the end of the season that should be cool, he said they will start to build the jumps up soon. I am probably going back up on thursday.
  7. I can not believe that they are that harsh at camelback, I have never been stopped at Blue for anything. Last night at Blue a lot of people were ducking off the runs into the trees, which I also did and some spots were quite fun. I didn't see anybody getting stopped for it at all. I also fly down most of the runs there and they don't seem to mind. Why do you support Camelback and give them your money? I know for alot of you it is convienence and it is your home mt. but I will never give them my money.
  8. I have rode at both a lot this year, I have a season pass to Bear Creek because it is so close and so cheap and their park is way better than Blues. I go to Blue to cruise around because there is not much at Bear. I was up Blue last night and they did add a nice up to flat box and a nice little rainbow rail which was good to see. That said the park was a complete sheet of ice and I took a nasty spill going off a jump with a messed up lip, I am sitting here in a lot of pain typing this and might have to go get x-rays of my hip today. Bear Creeks park is setup way better and a lot more variety of hits and rails, boxes. Blue is getting some better features but it will never be good as long as they keep it on sidewinder. But Razors Edge was awesome, seemed like there was ice almost everywhere except on that run, the conditions were awesome, a really great run.
  9. train36

    Blue Knob

    Has anyone ever rode at Blue Knob? The place I work at is having a trip there for the weekend that I am attending. It is currently closed now because of bad conditions but I am not going until the middle of Feb., so I am not that worried. I want to know how the mt. is, by looking at their trail map they have some tree runs which is odd for PA. Also anyone know how their park is or was, Any info is appreciated, I pretty much don't know anything about the place.
  10. I think Buckmans does demos, I'm pretty sure they have demo days listed on their website.
  11. Nice to hear. Tech boxes are a lot of fun and some nice straight boxes will add some good variety, guess they read our posts and decided to change things .
  12. I know it sucks now. The reasons I bought a pass to Bear is because of Blues park last year, it was 200$ cheaper, and about twenty minutes closer. I did really like Bear this year the park is great which is what I was looking for but I did not anticipate this. Looks like next year I will probably be back at Blue, can't go through this again.
  13. The park is groomed much better and there the terrain park crew was out touching stuff up which was nice but the rails are way too skinny. As for the terrain run which has beginner stuff, the one box they have set up is okay and the rail after it. I don't realy consider a skinny flat-down-flat rail very easy but thats just me. I just hoped they would have a couple more boxes maybe with some jumps on to them and some nice straight rails that are wider than two inches. You find this stuff in all the good parks in PA and it usually comes out in the beginning of the season with the tech stuff coming a little bit later. Blues park though has made a lot of progress this year though, the jumps are setup really nice and everything seems to be groomed much better. Like someone said I wish they would add some features that require some skill but are not over the top.
  14. I am also very impressed with Blue, can not believe they have everything open. I was there the other night and they had good coverage on almost every trail. I bought a pass to Bear Creek and don't even go there because their conditions are so bad. Bear has everything open but not enough base and bare spots everywhere, I think they will close soon. I will probably be going back up to Blue tonight. Thankfully PA has Blue or I don't know what I would do.
  15. How come all of their rails are so tech? I didn't see anyone hitting the things. Wish they would put in some boxes and some flat rails to add some variety. It was set up much better though and the jumps were real nice especially the big one at the top of sidewinder after the first rail. I was talking to people that worked there and they said they have been trying to tell them the same thing that most of the rails are way to hard for most riders but they said the resort won't budge and setup some easier stuff. If you are at Blue and killing those rails than much respect goes to you. I would just like to see some easier stuff so people can progress to the harder rails. But overall the park was in much, much better shape than last year even with all this warm weather.
  16. Elk is a great freeriding mountain, the best in PA. Right now they only have a few trails open and is not worth going to. If you like to do some park riding than stay away, their park is terrible, it consists of about two jumps which suck.
  17. train36


    I was thinking of heading to Blue tomorrow too since Bear Creek is pretty tore up and thin. I figure Blue will have better conditions. Was anyone up at Blue lately and know how the conditions are?
  18. Its good to hear Blue's park is looking good. The only reason I didn't get a season pass there is because their park sucked last year, so I'm up at Bear for the year. I wanna get to Blue soon and check it out.
  19. I am sure Boulders park will get better. I was up at Bear Creek and they have a mix of rails and boxes but mostly rails and about 4 jumps setup. Anyone know how blues park is, is there any new features?
  20. I don't work there or anything but timberline is supposed to be a boarder cross course. I don't think there are going to be any rails or anything. Its going to have big banked turns, rollers, some jumps and stuff like that.
  21. Was up at Bear Creek yesterday and they have quite a few gaps to rails. Including a gap to flat down box that was fun and a few of there straight rails had gaps onto them. I got wrecked on a gap to a picnic table, I landed to far forward on my board and crashed pretty hard and got yellow paint all over my pants. My helmet probably saved me from a concussion, oh well conditions were awesome yesterday up there and it was quite fun. I'll be up there tomorrow, the picnic table won the battle but it will not win the war.
  22. Blue is killing other resorts when it comes to opening stuff. Bear Creek has a lot open for its size and they just added a whole bunch of stuff to their terrain park, they have pics on their website. I'll be up at Bear tomorrow but will most likely be up at Blue sunday night for the special. Can't beat that deal and can't beat the amount of good freeriding terrain they have open.
  23. I was up there on tuesday and it was okay. It is still real early in the season though and most resorts don't have anything close to what Bear has setup now besides maybe jf/bb and boulder. Once the season get going along good I'm sure the park will get much better. I liked the one box they had set up, it was easy but fun. The gap to the other box was cool too, easy but good for me anyway, I'm not that good at rails. I am heading up there tomorrow, I'll post how it was, hopefully they have some decent jumps set up soon.
  24. train36


    Bear Creek is also open on Saturday, I'll be up there
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