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Everything posted by train36

  1. train36

    My first

    congrats, thats awesome. Bears parks usually have a good atmosphere to them, the riders there have respect for the other riders and I rarley get cut off or have any problems. I am trying to get rails down and working on my spins (which I suck at) . Its weird I can backslide boardslide fine but have trouble going forwards, usually its the other way around.
  2. I was there tonight and it wasn't as nearly as good as last night. There was a huge rut at the bottom of the flat-down box that sucked. The flat box also was in bad shape, the landings were terrible. I messed up my back at the bottom of the flat-down box, landed it clean but the rut sent me flying through the air and really messed up my back. My lower back is swollen pretty fierce but what you gonna do. I probably wont be riding for at least a week or two which sucks.
  3. train36

    Park layout

    I was up there tonight and it was really good. Conditions were real nice, and the park crew was out fixing everything up. The new flat box is very nice and slides real well. Everything was in great shape.
  4. I was up there today, that new U box is sick. I didn't try it and I didn't see to many people doing it, its really long. One skier was hitting it good, I was mostly just messing around on the jumps, they added one in the small park and one in the big park. I was hitting the picnic table a lot, its fun and easy.
  5. I used to ride an Allian, thats why I made this name up when I got on this message board. I still have the Pro Series, real nice board and very durable, my brother now rides it. I now ride a Never Summer Evo, I like it a lot. I have Ride Flight Tomcats bindings to go with it.
  6. I shoud be there, I think I have off monday so I might be gone by four. I'll also be there sat. afternoon most likely.
  7. I was up there tonight, I was mostly doing laps on lazy mile, snow condiotions were pretty good especially on lazy. Lots of stuff to do on the side of that trail that keeps it interesting. I don't think I saw you guys, I might be up there again this week, not sure.
  8. That U box looks awesome, very cool site, nice update.
  9. Sounds like a good time, I had work today and all weekend but I do have off Monday and tuesday so I'll be up there both days most likely. Hopefully they have lazy mile open by then too.
  10. If I remember correctly Blue opens up with night riding right away correct. I can't make it durung the day b/c I have work friday and the rest of the weekend but should be up there at night time for some night riding if it is open.
  11. Bear is small and and has great snowmaking capabilities, when they open they definitley have most of the mt. open. I had a pass there last year, as well as this year and can vouch that when they open most of the mt. is open. The only run that takes time to put together is timberline b/c it takes a lot of snowmaking to put in all the banked turns and such. Does Bear Creek open for night riding right away like Blue does? , I forget.
  12. I missed the jam but made it up ther on Sunday, first time there and I was quite impressed. The snow was good and lots of friendly people on the lifts. The rail park was nice too, i was taking laps from the top and hitting it at the end of my run. The boxes were set up good and slid well, very nice first day of the season.
  13. train36

    Hunter 11-19

    Looks great, I am heading either there or belleayre next weekend. I know bellyare plans on putiing in some rails, any chance hunter will have some sord of park open.
  14. train36

    RIDE Timeless

    For your weight and height the 164 Timeless will be a perfect freeride board for you. My all mountain board is a 162 Ride Serum from a couple of years ago and its fast and very stable, similar to the Timeless but not as stiff. The Serum I have has the same quadratic sidecut as the Timeless and holds an edge very well and is very quick edge to edge. If you can get it for cheap it would be good for you especially if you plan on hitting bigger resorts up north or just want to bomb some runs with a lot more stability. DH what size is that Timeless he is trying to get rid of?
  15. I use to have the MLB's , they were okay. I am a big fan of Ride bindings, I have the flight MIG's on my all around board, and the flight Tomcats on my park board.
  16. train36


    I was thinking of getting anon figments or subrosa'a since I got a RED helmet and they should fit perfect. Anyone here anything about these, good or bad. I have a pair of smiths from last year I like a lot but they don't fit my helmet real well. I am a little worried about getting the figments b/c they look really big.
  17. Yes it gets crowded but mostly on the beginners side of the hill, a lot of families go to JFBB. They do have some trees but rarely have enough snow in them to go through, after a good snowfall they might be okay.
  18. JFBB is a cool resort. JF park is okay with a couple good jumps, a few boxes and some rails. I like Jf because you can hit the park for a while and then go cruise on the far side of the mountain where the have some okay diamonds. Once it starts getting late head over to BB for a real nice park. Is jf or bb going to have a pipe this year, they had a pipe cutter just collecting dust last year. I should be up there a lot this year on weekends, my friend coaches the race team up there.
  19. What hotels have 40$ rooms? Thats pretty cheap, I'll probably head up there when they open and stay the night before like you suggested.
  20. train36

    Snowboard Helmet

    I just got the R.E.D. hi-fi audio helmet. Its kind of expensive but has DJ style headphone already in it along with a volume control cord and a mute button on outside of the helmet just above the ear. If you have an IPOD or an MP3 player and like to listen to it while you ride this is perfect.
  21. mostlysamkelley, I sent you a PM about what I wanted, see what you think and get back to me.
  22. Ya I never really designed a box so what do you think will work. I just want something to take around my house when it snows.
  23. For the Box I guess around two feet high and about 20 inches wide. VT mark what are the specs on your box.
  24. Cool site, how much for an eight foot flat box or like a 4 inch wide flat rail same length?
  25. Thanks for the replies. 45$ is not bad at all for everything that you said, my board from last year is already waxed because I wax it at the end of the season and don't scrape it till I plan on riding again . My new board I just want some bevel added, my old board will need the works besides the waxing so I might check out Nestors, which one is closest to the NE Philly area? I do detune my boards at the tip and tail a little bit so it ain't as grabby like you said.
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