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Boo Bear

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Everything posted by Boo Bear

  1. Becky boo and I were up last night for kids ski session and the snow was fun. We were going down paradise when some deer crossed the trail so that was different. Love the soft snow even though it means the end is near.
  2. @mute1080 and I are headed up now, will get there for 9am. Still have 4 free tickets as well
  3. Becky boo said her first (and hopefully last) toboggan ride was "so cool." From what her instructor said a boarder was out of control and basically plowed into her on switchback. After some theatrics (and some tasty treats from Enjo's grill), she was jumping around the house in no time. Girlfriend earned a coconut gelati for being a trooper through it all. Before the exitement at the end of the day I enjoyed main street as my ROTD.
  4. It was still there last night when we put in an evening session. I’ll be up today and tomorrow with my schools field trip. About 100 kids reporting to blue at 9am, but they give them learning hill passes and a lesson before seeing if they want to change their pass to whole mountain. Hopefully it’s a good day!
  5. We're headed up for an evening session with Becky Boo. Hoping the cold keeps folks away tonight
  6. Today’s skiing was so special, but the company, food and drinks were excellent. I definitely got some sunburn, well worth it.
  7. Just got back from some evening runs. Everything in the shadow was crusting up, nice bumps on razors, main and falls. Challenge looked surprisingly smooth from the lift, but I never made it over there. Main Street has some deep holes opening up. The pictures don’t quite do it justice but the def went down a bit. A third on was unmarked and opening up my last run up the 6. It was still snowing as I left for the night. Super light crowds, an enjoying snowy spring skiing evening.
  8. I’ll bring crockpot Mac and cheese
  9. They scheduled the kids Easter egg hunt for 3/24 so I’ll be shocked if they’re still open.
  10. We went for a family night session and it was so empty. There were a few groups of kids but we had the slopes to ourselves. Soft push piles, similar to Sunday. Very nice.
  11. Got home from a fun Super Bowl night. Bumps everywhere, super soft- it was a fun but leg burning night. A bit more crowded than last years super bowl might but still skied right onto the lift. Nightmare dream and razors were most excellent.
  12. Saturday am and Sunday pm. Super Bowl night is my favorite night to ski
  13. We went out for a family ski last night around 6.... dust on crust at the top of the mountain and razors, challenge and main street looked and sounded glacial. On the the other trails there was sugar to be found on the sides and it got deeper the further down the mountain you went. Wish we could have made it earlier to run some of the other trails.
  14. Dug into the cheese today. amazing.
  15. Today’s snow was great. Did a first run with Beckyboo before wac drop off. Clearly I don’t look at trail reports and was pleasantly surprised by the new terrain open, worked my way from NMDW, challenge, lazy and main before rinse and repeat. Really fun as the trails got more bump. Lower challenge was alittle wompy from the grooming but to be expected I guess. Had fun riding the chairs with lots of people visiting for the first time year, I stuck to the OG6 all morning and never waited more than 2 chairs to get on. Crowds were light, took a snack break and then went out for 3 more runs before wac pickup. Didn’t realize how tired I was until about 1/2 way through the last fun. Becky and I were planning on a night session tomorrow but it looks like the rain has other plans since the mountain is closing at 4. Whomp whomp.
  16. Boo Bear


    The double dip this evening was…. Interesting. Nothing like the morning session. We ended up getting a drink mid way through the runs. 🥴
  17. Boo Bear


    Becky boo and I made it up around 1030 this morning. Four short runs later little one was ready to go. She was discouraged by the scrape spots she kept hitting on lazy. I had fun playing off to the side though. Headed back up for adults only session.
  18. @mute1080, Beckyboo and I went up for an evening session, met up with a friend and their little. Overall great night, snow was awesome. The drainage ditches and holes kept it interesting to ski around. Fun night.
  19. Becky boo and I will be there
  20. Trail might be a single track wide but damnit blue can claim they opened. I’m not sure if I’m excited or embarrassed.
  21. No, can’t say I do. They must have forgotten to send me an invitation. Oh well!
  22. I'm out for next weekend, but Mute and Becky Boo can make it if its moved...
  23. I am so jealous. Late summer early fall I keep my eyes peeled but have not found any yet. I have to ask did you save the seeds?!
  24. Mama groundhog. I saw big Bertha one day, but we never caught her. Only managed to get two of her littles. After they were removed I think she abandoned her home, thankfully. Or she heard me threaten to take her kids for a visit to the Monocacy inside that cage. @mute1080 is kinder than me though so he took the little ones and gave them a new home down the road
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