Now, this thread is coming from someone who is more than satisfied collecting snow from a ice rink and putting it on a bump in Kevin's backyard. Last night I was at MC for a little night session with Kevin. I know that the snow is scarce on our mountain but the need for more features is a necessity. It doesnt take much nowadays to make snowboarders happy--grow a box on a 30 foot stretch of snow and you made someone's day. The crowds in from of that 30ft box last night was ridiculous. There had to be close to 40+ kids waiting to hit that thing at its peak--that crazy!! Put another feature somewhere and break up the crowds. I have this conversation with my buddies all the time and it just does not make sense. Is someone really lazy? Or is there other factors that I have not discovered in my pondering. I dont want to compare ( but I will)-- there are other mountains that are pushing on a daily bases to get more features on the mountain and I know there's no snow but let's make it appear like we're progressive in make MC a snowboarders mountain. It's sad.
I dont know how anyone else feels--- but I need MC to give me something to get excited about. And its not the blond behind the cafeteria counter. What the hell is going on!! New Jibs, tentative dates, new blogs, photos--come on guys.
You are absolutely right my friend. A park with a non-pass system in place will get destroyed before noon. It will be interesting to see what they have in place at BB.
Ok..with all this stuff going on a JFBB. I strongly recommend a grand opening blow out. (Listen up JFBB marketing) Picture this ......
You roll up into the parking lot and you hear Black Label rockin slope side. (or some other hard band) As you approach the main lodge you have hot chicks dancing in cages suspended about 15' in the air wearing....Explosions!! Big Explosions and Fire blazing out on both sides of a nice quarter pipe with more hot chicks dancing around. No?
Just to let you all know--I'm a dedicated MC local. But with all the buzz going on at JFBB, what does Creek need to do to kick it up? Many are starting to call JFBB the Bear Mtn of the east. That is probably a stretch but the enthusiasum is there.
I have a question. How are the lifts at JFBB? Did they update them in the past few years b/c last time I was there it took about a week to get to the top. Thanks all..