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Everything posted by Justin

  1. planet snow is the biggest joke on the planet (pun intended). its just a bunch of modular boxes/rails, some grooming tools, and probably some powerpoint lecture
  2. im pretty sure big bear is masthope, its in lackawaxen
  3. yerppp. probably gonna skip out entirely for this week. nothing pisses me off more than driving up from philly to deal with 30 minute lift lines. with NYE and NYD on friday/saturday, I doubt I'll be in any condition to ski sidewinder. monday sounds like it's gonna be legit....sidewinder hot laps eh?
  4. andy knows his shit, I doubt the jump line will suck
  5. or 3.5 skiers walking with mountains in the background, definitely no hoodrat stuff
  6. I really want to go skiing tomorrow but I doubt I feel like dealing with crowds
  7. I think he's talking about the retard photographer that took that ass shot of the dickhead snowboarder straight airing that jump
  8. im not surprised. probably wouldn't of even made it up today anyway, it's a total shitshow in philly. people can't drive in this shit even with their huge 4x4 vehicles. it took me an hour to drop my mom off at work 10 minutes away. now I gotta dig the whole fucking house, cars, and driveway out AND the snowblower is broken. never thought I'd say this, but fuck the snow.
  9. if they would just punch a fucking hole in the top like every other RFID pass on the planet then we wouldn't even need that stupid ass sleeve. seriously, blue has never once used a single thing they've ever had to it's full fucking potential.
  10. if you actually go through with this, you deserve a prize. surfing cold ass NJ then skiing a more than likely cold ass blue at night all while traveling roads throughout possibly one of the biggest hyped snowstorms of the season? jesus
  11. Justin

    quiver killers

    I wouldn't recommend DIY mounting here....its pretty simple but the slightest fuck up can really bite you in the ass. always better to have someone else do it, that way if/when they fuck up you can have a ball yelling at someone. shops are always fucking nuts about mounting bindings. thats why I almost always buy skis with bindings and have wherever I buy them from mount them. even if I wind up not getting the best price I know I'll still wind up saving money by not getting my shit mounted. most places online and most shops will just do it for free if you get all your shit there. The whole ski binding thing is really becoming a monopoly. They need to come up with some universal mount pattern and start selling skis with inserts thats NOT the line reactors. it's pretty ridic that you can have skis in one hand and bindings in the other and have to pay an insane amount to combine the two. it really defines logic especially since snowboards have add insert technology for years and years and years now.
  12. craptastic day today at blue. got there at 10:30 and cut it short around 1. windy as fuck, snow was slow as hell. lower sidewinder was open and the mixer was set up today with a nice poppy lip, that was the highlight of my day. pretty much had to bomb from there if you wanted anything in lower park. come around wasn't too bad if you kept your flow up. skied challenge for the first time, snow was real grippy even for my skis. also skied the "glades" on the side of cum n loud which were pretty much untouched. guess the giant warning signs everywhere scares people off. lines fucking blew. me and xnick lapped the vista chair a few times to escape. no lines there! they weren't running the quad and were doing absolutely nothing about the VIP line, really pissed me off. at one point of the day the VIP line was actually the longest line there. ill give them a pass today since they were really unorganized and it's the day before xmas eve but they better fucking start doing something about that. I felt like every dumb motherfucker was going into that line. half the time the sign wasn't even facing the right way. hate on me all you want but honestly not enforcing the VIP line is like taking a shit on the chest of us passholders. fix it. looking like ill be up on sunday if I don't go to boulder for some jumps. skipping tomorrow for all day drinking. merry christmas.
  13. http://www.amazon.com/Digital-Fish-eye-Magnet-Conversion-iPhone/dp/B002MQ3ZKW hahaha
  14. yep, but my AM and your AM are two completely different things
  15. actually, I think sno has a pretty good advantage of location. they're basically right in scranton and they're right off the turnpike exit which makes things easier for people that do a lot of TP driving, and its right near 380/81 as well. if it was actually a good place to go ski they would easily drive a shit ton of business from the scranton/clarks area, but just about everyone I know from that area drives down to boulder or somewhere else that's not sno.
  16. welcome. there's a shit ton of people that ski and ride at blue here. it's never hard to find someone to ride with.
  17. Justin

    12/21 TR

    it intrigues me but at the same times scares the shit out of me. of all my years at woodward ive seen kids get seriously fucked up in foam pits...I smashed my face open in one a few years back too. I just get nervous about the whole landing on your equipment and vice versa type situation. ill probably wind up hitting this and probably liking it sometime before the season is over...
  18. Justin

    12/21 TR

    I've never hit one of those before but it honestly looks like a great way to overcomplicate things and possibly hurt yourself even more, like foam pits can sometimes be. What happens if you land on your head (probably get just as hurt)? What if you get tangled up with your skis and they don't eject and rip your knees to shreds? What if your skis do eject and you fall on them going into the bag, or they fall on you? What happens if you go too gnar off the lip and send it too far to the left or right and not land in the middle? Maybe I just need to hit it/see someone else hit it but I'm honestly more scared to send it into that thing than I am to send it on a real jump.
  19. Justin

    12/21 TR

  20. Justin

    12/21 TR

    nothing gay about a bunch of dudes crammed into a basement sharing tuning equipment, drinking beers, and talking about riverboat gambling trips, making our own beef jerky, and shitting with the door open
  21. Justin

    12/21 TR

    we need a pasr wax party. could get real epic real quick
  22. Justin


    they were cranking into the trees with the tripod guns. I don't really know how well this is going to work. I can imagine some ass backwards line through them will get cut in real quick causing some sonny bono's. after looking through them today, I decided I like my spine the way it is right now.
  23. Justin

    12/21 TR

    I can only hope the inrun for the bag is not too fast (which im sure it's not). I think it's only 20 feet to the center. that lip seriously resembled the lip of the last massive step over hit of keystone's big line last year, which was at least 80 to the knuckle with the sweet spot anywhere from 85-100...then another like 20 feet of landing after that if you got balls. I know they got to build the lip huge to make the whole thing work, but I wasn't expecting to see that monster.
  24. Justin

    12/21 TR

    just got back from another unseasonably awesome session. got my self an early xmas present this morning, a 2gb shuffle. now I can ditch the iPhone and easily control my music. rocked it on the goggle strap all day which turned out to be perfect. rolled up around 10:30, met up with xnick, then ran into dan- and I think angryhugo. other than the horribly slow snow in lower terrain, park was probably the best it was all year. barely any ice, just the lip on the come around jump and the landing to the cannon rail were a bit slippy. everything was supreme for blue mountain standards. snow was slow in parts but fuck....35 degrees and pretty much bluebird all day. something tells me that a day like this on the first official day of winter will lead us to a really great season. snow seems to be piling on sidewinder and the lip for the airbag looked gnar. im honestly scared to send it into that thing, it really looks unsafe. mostly skied the sixer to tuts/come around/chute/MS/lower park. super fun sending it into chute. took a few vista lift hot laps through top to bottom come around which were real nice minus the 10 second run and slow lift. down rail and hip/wallride at the top of CA were money and pretty much untouched so those two features made the vista laps worth it. some busted ass vista lifty is in love with xnick....we also chased two blondes that I'm pretty sure were jailbait. theme of the day - fun as fuck. get out there and shred!
  25. me and xnick will be up tomorrow around 10
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