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Everything posted by Justin

  1. kinda takes the fun out of it if they put a maximum on it.
  2. Justin

    Powder Skis

    I've been on my Bacons a few days which are 114 underfoot and I love them for out here. When there's no snow I'm usually in the park, so these guys are only seeing action in the fresh really. Don't be afraid to rip with fat skis though. I thought these things were way fat but I was ripping some groomers in them the other day....really versatile ski. Even handles the bumps well.
  3. 136k. Was sitting in traffic on I-70 and the interior filled with smoke. Popped the hood, all the coolant was gone. Needs a new head gasket.
  4. I might be interested. My car needs a new engine and is sitting in Silverthorne dead. Being carless out here sucks. The only problems are 1. I wouldn't be able to offer much....$2500 is all I can really throw up, and 2. I'm 1700 miles away....
  5. Another awesome day at breck, one of my friends brought his camera so we got some pictures. I didn't ski with him all day so I only managed to get a few...we're gonna get some more next weekend. First 3 jumps in Park Lane Flat Down 2 out on the flat rail Kinda sucky pics...but whatever. It was a fun ass day.
  6. Off-Piste eh? Skiing them trees at Blue?
  7. They sell a wide brake for the PX12's, you need that for them to work. Most places will swap out the standard one for the wide one for free. My bacon's are 114 waist...they fit on there, haha. 168 is wayyyyy too small for you. You said you were 5'10" and about 200 pounds...well I'm 5'8" on a good day and weigh about 140lbs. My moments are 181 mounted true center, and my bacons are 184 mounted at the recommended point which is a little back from center. Neither ski feels too big at all. In fact they feel just right. It might not be such a good idea to go for a 180+ ski as your first (I started on 171's, once I started hitting jumps I realized I needed something longer) but I'd definitely get at least the 176, especially if you're center mounting them. Doing that will make a ski feel much much shorter than it is, plus the extra length makes landings way smoother. It might be a little harder to spin and butter at first, but if you're just learning still then don't worry about it.
  8. Yeah Look PX12 Jib's are awesome. I had them on my invaders and my bacons this year. I have Rossi 120's on my moments which are virtually the same binding, just a little lower. Solid bindings, never had a single problem with them.
  9. Oh shit! I'll be at Keystone Friday-Sunday most likely, they just rebuilt some parts of the park, shits siiiccckkkkk so I heard.
  10. So true. It was always nice to hit 4-5 rails, a jump line, then more rails in one run. Plus a high speed lift back to the top. Boulders lifts flat out suck. Not a problem anymore though
  11. Today the snow was dumping all day at Breck. Thick wet stuff, still a fun change from PA. Got stuck on I-70 for four hours coming home though. Headed up to Keystone tomorrow, probably gonna take the bacons.
  12. I don't know yet. I was with my friend and he got his car washed at some Phillips 66 in Arvada, I saw the sign. I would imagine you get a voucher or something with your receipt.
  13. Phillycore/CO heads just a FYI, if you buy 10 gallons of gas at Phillips 66 you get a lift ticket to Copper or WP. Phillycore I don't know if you're renting a car or not...but it's a free lift ticket for $15 worth of gas. Might be too late but I just found out yesterday.
  14. tight pants wide stance
  15. Breck was supppperrrrr nice today. Bluebird after 11. Jumps were fucking awesome.
  16. sunny skies in summit county this weekend
  17. Justin

    Air Bag

    They have an airbag at woodward. It's carpet though and not that big. Burns the fuck out of your skin.
  18. Fuck yeah. Waiting for a nice dump. It's been all park lately
  19. I have my invaders for urban and rail jams, edges are completely rounded. My moments are for park only, edges are pretty beat on them too but I wax usually once a week. I just got my bacons for pow, those things will never see a park. It's a lot different for skis though, in my opinion. They're much more specific than snowboards. Waist, shape, mounting, and flex all drastically change how a ski will ride. Snowboards are much more universal in my opinion.
  20. Razors or Challenge mid day or at night with death cookies.
  21. holy fucking repost batman
  22. Toebang is probably the worst part of skiing. Try knuckling a 30+ jump, I've lost many toenails from it. If it's a steep landing then you ride away real smooth and easy...you were hitting little jumps and probably landing flat which can sometimes give you some toebang. If you're gonna do that kind of stuff shift your weight backward when you land. Also hopping onto rails is a weird thing at first. It's all a mental game and getting over catching your tips and shit on rails. After a week or so it won't phase you much. Probably the biggest difference I think between skiing and snowboarding is getting the basics down. It's a lot harder and frustrating starting out on skis than it is on a snowboard. On the other side of the spectrum, I find that once you get the basics down on skiing it's a lot easier to progress. That's how it was for me at least. Last year was my first year skiing after snowboarding for almost 8 years. After 1 year on skis I've progressed wayyyy farther than I did on a snowboard. That's what I like about it, I don't get frustrated too much because I learning new stuff is a little easier for me. More confidence too.
  23. He just said its getting torn down on sunday....
  24. Justin

    Edge Angles

    The edges on my jib skis are almost round under my feet, haha
  25. I'm not trying to start a flame war or talk shit on BC but I went up last year for NYE and it was probably the worst conditions I've ever seen. A combination of ice patches, bare spots, shaky boxes, and bombed out everything. On top of that the place was crowded as fuck, the park was dangerous, and the liftline was ridiculous. Maybe it'll be different this year.
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