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Everything posted by Justin

  1. Gahhhhh These pants are only three weeks old and now there red paint all over them. Oh well, at least they are black.
  2. So yesterday I got paint all over the shin part of my brand new pants.... Is there a way to get that stuff off?
  3. Justin


    I learned most spins flatground first. Like when I was learning 180s, I would always have trouble with f/s, but then I tried it b/s on flatground and can do them perfect now. So I would suggest trying 180s f/s and b/s on flat first to see which one is easier for you and which one is more comfortable. I would then take it to like a small table, try it over and over until I was comfortable with it, then I would take it to something bigger.
  4. Justin

    Twin Tips

    It wasn't me....
  5. The rollercoaster was ok, but its too curvy for my liking. The thing that pisses my off is that BC has still not really put out a single good RAIL this year. All they have is some circus boxes and that urban bar (which i HATE). The only other rails they have are those two tiny ones in the beginner park. They have the down rails, kinks, etc. all sitting on the side.
  6. Well, yesterday really sucked. Conditions were pretty good, but there were some bare spots. It wasn't too crowded, but then again I only stayed until 2. Right around then the lift lines were getting huge. After like an hour, I go for a nosepress on the urban bar. I got on a bit crooked, so I slip off and whack both shins extremely hard. Not only did I get paint all over my brand new pants, but I've got a huge ass lump on my shin that seems to be imparing my ability to walk today. At least I didn't have to go to school today
  7. Yep I'm leaving now so I'll see who ever is up there. If you see me just yell my name (pretty obvious).
  8. I will be there tomorrow, 1/8 Who's gonna be there? I got a Special Blend Grey and White jacket, Black SB Pants, Black Anon Goggles, and a Burton beanie... I ride a yellow dominant 146
  9. Just one more week Can't wait for MC
  10. Hey Metz lay off the Philly people
  11. Justin


    Another problem is that on a crowded day, most people just follow right behind you. So if you fall on a jump or rail, then the person after you probably wont see you and then most likely take your head off.
  12. Yes. They suck. There was this kid at bc that had them in like 75cm or something, it was just bigger than his boot. Why even bother?
  13. Justin

    Twin Tips

    Yeah it wasn't too hard to learn how to ride on them, I still wasn't comfortable, but I tried a 360 anyway, and fell on my face I think I'll stick with snowboarding
  14. When I was there last wed. there was bare spots all over the place. but there was supposedly some snow so the conditions may be better.
  15. Justin

    Twin Tips

    Haha Tried twin tips the other night and I fell....a couple times. Judging I rollerblade, I didn't have too much of a problem. But, I took a couple spills trying some 360s... Just thought I'd share.
  16. Justin

    New goggles

    Check out some Anons. Real nice goggles.
  17. Justin


    The fact is that most people are not aware of anything going on in the park. These are mostly little kids that don't pay attention. They need to realize that there are people who may be hitting the same obsticle but are coming from a higher point, with lots of speed. They need to look around them before hitting anything, and they don't.
  18. Justin


    I just hope its going to be like at MC, where its like a couple bucks and thats it. I think at Stratton they are real strict, like you have to pass a test or something like that.
  19. Welcome to PASR Last time I was there (Wednesday), the snow was pretty bad, tons of bare spots all over the place, the hubba was unhittable, flat box landing was horrible, down box was unhittable, and mud all over the place. The whole upper portion of blackbear was in great condition though (Kicker, Hip, battleship, Urban bar, Rainbow box)
  20. Wow, really nice pics.
  21. Yeah, nice vid. I think I'll hit up shawnee some time this month, its looking pretty nice.
  22. I've been on the snow for three days with my dom, and if you look from the side of the board you can see spots in the leather..... Oh well, its still some serious pimp status
  23. Those things/the people that do them suck incredible amounts of suck. Every trick they do looks insanely ugly! At BC I seen some kid with them that must of been like 50 or 60cm long...they were just a bit bigger than his boot. Why not just run down the mountain instead? Im no twin-tipper, but from what I know they have identical noses and tails, so you can ride fakie and not catch on the ski.
  24. That last "Wallride" is pretty retarded, why even bother?
  25. I'm pretty sure I've seen a ramada maybe five minutes from blue once, but it doesn't matter that much because the plan is in the toilet anyway
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