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Everything posted by FK.

  1. which campus are you at, because the one in steamboat is like 4 buildings?
  2. if youre looking for a private, four year, prestigious school then dont come. No I'm not, i'm trying to either work at a resort or get into the ski industry, but my mom wants me to get a solid degree. Is the school able to get me a kob at a resort through internships like some of the other colleges? what campus are u at?
  3. is that school legit, I went out to CO over the summer to look at colleges and visited the campus at steamboat, but isn't it a community college, I liked it but my mom wasn't down on it too much... is it the real deal?
  4. what school do you go to?, that event looks sick I definitely want to apply there!
  5. def an akward asian intro, and there must not have been the regulars there to film
  6. there really sick deals and i need new ski's... but if I get new ones I might have to get KT's. I kinda led him on that if I got the money I would buy his
  7. I know it isn't realistic, but I am keeping the hope alive...kidding!! I'm just pumped there will at least be a rail jam
  8. papasteeze, pic is not working on my computer, anywhere else I can see it?
  9. how did u find out about theses deals?
  10. def agree with steeze on the jump jam or at least a quaterpipe!!
  11. i'm decent, i probably show up, but will get shit on by M-stunt... I've seen him ride!!!
  12. sick shots, I saw most of you guys out there on saturday too!
  13. looks sick, didn't realize how good KT really was. i've herad people talk about him but damn!!!!!
  14. still not positive, in reality I'll porbably have to wait until the very end of the season to be able to scrape the cash to take them off your hands, try and sell them on NS or something... and if you can't i'll still probably be able to take them off your hands. Hopefully
  15. your trevor!, I saw you throw that nice 5 on the jump before the wall ride. I was a skier in all brown with black ntb's Oh, I also saw you wreck your ass cheek on the double kink rail!!! But what do I know, I'm still too scared to hit it after eyeing up all season
  16. I might be able to take those skis off your hands, I'm not positive though because I got new ones at the start of this season... but I can already see the inside of the ski from the topsheet in multiple places, where did u get them from?
  17. Actually, I'm pretty sure the reality show's last day was either last saturday or sunday
  18. nice, good luck with them
  19. those skis are sick!! Oh and I don't think I saw you but it sounds like you put down a really solid run
  20. oh shit, was she in the green pants, with her arm in a brace/wrap thing towards the end of the day?
  21. u sell it yet? Give me until tommorow to let u know, plus i can always meet you at a mountain so no shipping for u
  22. which dude were you, I was skiing at bear yesterday but got there to late to enter. Were you the one throwin the 7's?
  23. sick, he's the one that one the KOP rail jam, right? I was there and he has got skill. props
  24. you trying to get into it or are you just going to ride and watch?
  25. Thanks, I'll still be to get some Oaks!
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