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Everything posted by Barb
It's an incredible accomplishment just to make the team at that age. I can't imagine the level of commitment by her and her family. I will be rooting for her.
Tree wells scare the hell out of me. I am always warning my kids to never lose sight of their buddy especially in the trees. They "yeah yeah" me but hopefully some of it sinks in. Thankfully the older son is starting to prefer the bumps on Mary Jane to trees.
{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252 {\fonttbl\f0\fnil\fcharset0 HelveticaNeue;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;\red153\green153\blue153;\red255\green255\blue255;} \deftab720 \pard\pardeftab720\sl360\partightenfactor0 \f0\fs26 \cf2 \cb3 \expnd0\expndtw0\kerning0 \outl0\strokewidth0 \strokec2 \ Not the best picture but this park is a 5 minute walk from my house. I always see people xc skiing here and today I finally got my ass out there. Really fun. I went xc skiing once 7 yrs ago at Pocono Outdoor Education Center and took a lesson for $12. I bought a pair on sLe at the end of that season and for some reason never used them. When i got them out this morning the tag was still on the boots. Lots of grassy patches so probably no good tomorrow, have to wait for the next storm. But definitely a fun change up from my usual morning workouts. }
Yes, the planet is acting strange. Before the break I sat through a talk at my son's school since I was there to volunteer anyway. Talk about Debbie Downer, this guy was all bad news. Basically said the planet is absolutely doomed in the next 40 years and there is not a thing we can do about it. As in, all life on earth will cease to exist in 40 years. Then he opened it up to questions and every question and idea these kids had the guy just shut them down. In my opinion it was a little over the top for a middle school speaker. It actually took me until the next morning to shake it off, he was that depressing.
Had a great first day of my season today! Drove up last night solo. Didn't bother with the shuttle this morning since I had no kids to worry about and drove straight to Mary Jane. Website said 8" of fresh overnight and conditions were fantastic. Powder was about shin deep. Didn't stay out too long because I am getting over my back seizing up last week. It was empty this morning, first 3 runs t2b powder. Then I took a trail on the other side and it was more scraped off, but still very good. A few pics. 10 degrees and light snow, only my toes were cold.
After your kid gets the basics down this season, consider joining a junior race program next season. My son just snowplowed down everything, then he joined Jf race team and within a few short weeks he was carving and looking great. He still talks about the medals he won during the Sunday fun races, it was a real confidence booster. The instructors are great, they genuinely care about the kids.
That is great about your pressure washing business. You know I am half kidding with you. Vermont is beautiful! We always enjoyed going there. Pa is beautiful too. I just never understood why people are so nuts over the shore. Yes, its nice for a vacation, but after years it just gets so old.
OC IS boring. Going to the Poconos is the only thing that made Avalon tolerable in the winter for us. You need to make an exit plan to move out west. Can't live in the fishbowl that is Cape May County forever. I think they even have teaching jobs out here . You would not regret it.
I so feel your pain! I rememner those horrible long Friday night drives. Long stretch in between bathrooms too, especially when they closed the one rest stop. Only 1 hr 40 min for me to Winter Park now, its great. Hopefully all my kid drama will settle down soo and I will actually be able to go.
fog in Boulder this morning. When I got to the top of my hike I was looking down on it. This one just for RideDeleware
^nice. And congrats on building a house.
I adjust my workouts in August every year with ski season in mind. Lots more squats and lunges.
Loveland started making snow today
Creek path at Broadway Bridge covered in mud Opened a handful of trails at Chautauqua yesterday. This is the fire road, amazing what water can do.
Streets are drying up although some still closed because of the rivers flowing down them. Creek is still raging. Lots of mud and debris in the streets. Mountain communities have no utilities and very limited road access.
Some of those pictures are from Longmont. Boulder is kind of drying out, but lots of damage. Jamestown is completely isolated, roads wiped out. One of my son's friends stayed here last night after he was airlifted by helicopter out of Jamestown. Thanks for the head's up about the sirens. We just moved closer to downtown so I guess I just couldn't hear them from our old house. Dry all morning now raining again. More flash floods possible for tonight.
Wow this is getting crazy here. Boulder creek at 4900 cfs. Sirens going off with loudspeakers saying flash flooding emminent. Gonna look like a war zone tomorrow. So many mudslides and debris in the road. News saying this is the 100 year flood.
Not hating the shoes, just my middle aged body/lung capacity
I'm sure he is one of the people I curse as I'm huffing and puffing up a steep trail and he flies past me in minimalist running shoes.
Im not venturing downtown or on the hill but some of the pictures I've seen are nuts. Bridges and roads being washed out. We just moved into a new house and my roof is leaking in several places. I will be happy when the monsoon is over. Schools also closed today. I read 6.5 inches of rsin in 24 hours
lots of rain here the last few days.
I think some of the parents on this message board would strongly disagree. Those first few weeks of freedom when kids go back to school....priceless.
This is awesome! And a challenge, good luck.
planning on heading up to Winter Park weekdays as soon as they open while the kids are in school. Need to get comfortable on skis before the season kicks in. Only had 1 day on them last year. Although my 13 year old says he's looking forward to teaching me. Our passes good for 6 days at Steamboat, maybe do a weekend up there.