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Everything posted by lurker

  1. lurker


    Oh man... It does look like mother nature hates us now. Little rain in the forcast, its a bit warm, and way out in the forcast like the 11th of January they have highs in the 40s! Its freakin' January! Luckily thats almost 2 weeks away so I'm sure that they're not right and the actual high is going to be 35 degrees. Hopefully.
  2. lurker


    Don't loose hope yet! It's lookin' like it will be a little warm from late wednesday - saturday, but it's suppose to be cloudy or sunny and no rain. By the time it hits monday it's supposed to be cold again for a long time with snow showers! Maybe Mother Nature doesn't hate us after all! Check for yourself at Accuweather!
  3. Like right there on the side. <------------ Very fine mist.
  4. That may be your problem there. You just need a very small amount of water in the air mixture. If there is a knob that controls the mix, make sure to only twist it a tiny bit until there is just a light very dry mist coming out the bottom. If you put your hand in front of it, it should feel almost dry.
  5. The best unmanned equipment I've ever seen was when I was up at Camp of Champs, a kid in my group had a ski with busted breaks. He tried to do a 360 off this little cliff and messed it up and his ski popped off and started flying down the mountain. It eventually hit the side of the super-pipe I was standing on, and went directly off the hip on the right side of the pipe. It aired the hip like 30 feet up. It was possibly the coolest thing I'd ever seen. Hah, it was a long way away before he got to it again though.
  6. Sweet! A VW gun! What kind of design are you using? Its obviously not the most effective, but it is cheap, and a pretty cool concept! You'll have to tell me how it goes and how you did it. I'll definently be interested in the results! Good Luck!
  7. Its definently a combo gun then, almost exactly the same as the one I built. Is there a air water mix coming out of the bottom nozzle? I'll basically try and explain this to the best of my abilities Now there should be water flowing out of the top two, and just a tiny bit of water should be let into the bottom nozzle. Air should collide with the tiny amount of water being let through to produce a fine mist. If there is a lot of water leaking out of your air compressor tanks, then the water is overpowering the air compressor and water is being forced back down into the air compressor tanks. Obviously no snow will be made and only ice because of there not being any nuclei coming out of the bottom nozzle. Post back here with the following information: Is there a strong amount of water coming out the top 2 nozzles? Is there a fine mist coming out of the bottom nozzle? We can help you out from there.
  8. Haha, you're right! I didn't even think about that. That would have been pretty funny. I just think that they could have opened marc if they focused more snow making on it. I know with our snow maker we've been pumping out snow lately, but I guess they wanted a big base on the trails they do have open. Anyone else here who will not be able to get up until around next thursday because of school? Oh yeah, noticed on the conditions page that they're closing the park "midweek" which includes tomorrow. Well I won't be there, so I guess as long as they make a lot of snow in it, whatever.
  9. Bah... Forget next week! Live for today! Haha. Yeah, I stared disdainfully at the pipe a couple times and shouted, "cut the stupid pipe!" to no one in particular once... Oh well. Next week. Hold out till next week.
  10. lurker


    Very Very True.
  11. Anyone else go up today, and get bored pretty quick? I mean, probably no one here goes on coolmore, so thats four trails open. Most people who go to park are going to go to park everytime, and people who stay out of the park will go to meadows everytime. So now you have 3 trails open. I didn't enjoy Tut at all, because it seemed very boring and flat, so basically it felt like for me there were 2 trails open, and they combine together. Basically one trail top to bottom for me. Got boring, real quick. ... Anyone else here feel that if they put a little effort into it they could have opened the half pipe or maybe marc antony or something? Really hoping later on in the week will be better.
  12. lurker


    How about, when it gets to be night skiing at 4:00 PM your night pass will be valid... Bleh. Anyway, went up today. It was okay I guess... to bad there was only really 2 trails open. I didn't like Tut, because it was so flat and unexciting, and the park only had 1 hit in it. There's only so many times you can hit a single jump until you run out of tricks and things get boring. Hopefully they'll have some more crap open on Thursday when I get off from school.
  13. From what I understand of the BYB, it is a single nozzle combo gun. This means that the top nozzle is exculsively water, while the bottom is a mix of water and air called a nuculizer. The top one should have the pressure washer hooked up to it (pretty sure), and the bottom one the air compressor. If you turn just the air compresor on, it should just blow lots of air out of the bottom nozzle. Once you turn on the water and the pressure washer, lots of water should come out of the top, and a very fine small mist out of the bottom. This bottom one creates the nuclei, and it mixes in with the heavy falling water, and they make snow. I would imagine that you might have a freeze in your air line, or something that is stopping an air/water mix from coming out of the bottom. Combo guns don't have anything to do with whats in your water, so don't worry about that. So go out there tonight when its cold and 1. try just turning on the air and make sure that works 2. Turn on the water and make sure there is a mist out of the bottom and a lot of water out of the top. Good luck! (This is all assuming that this thing is a combo gun and not an internal mix or something. If there are 3 nozzles, the top two are water and the bottom is a nuc nozzle)
  14. lurker


    Yeah, that is total crap. Man I would have been so pissed off. I completely hate Camelback sometimes... Oh well, you take what you can get, right? If camelback didn't see everything in money vision, they'd have a much better mountain. *edit* I just looked this up on the camelback site and here is what it says From the season passes page: Sunday-Friday & Nights (Sunday-Friday pass valid every night during the season, and Sunday - Friday all season, excluding Sundays of Martin Luther King and President's Weekends: January 16, 2005 and February 20, 2005.) From the rates page: Night (4:00 pm to 10:00 pm) You obviously have a reason to be angry.
  15. Ah I see. I'd heard of snowfarming before, and knew it involved a tarp, piles, and snow, but wasn't sure of how it really worked. Thanks, we'll have to do that next week.
  16. Hmmm... So you're saying that if we put all the snow into one big lump basically and cover it up in a tarp, it will survive warmer temperatures better. Then when we want some snow, just pull it around until the snow comes off. Seems to make sense. Now all I need is a big tarp... Monday is definently the day to wait for. Woohoo I can't wait!
  17. Hey all! Just wanted to show how we put the snow maker to use last friday! We ran it for about 5 hours and oh boy was it a lot of fun. We stayed up until 2:45 in the morning skiing and boarding . We set up a simple 8-10 foot pipe for a rail and a long (20 foot maybe?) 6x6 post, and covered a skating quarter pipe with snow. We did a lot of stupid stuff, grinded some rails, and messed around in the snow. Highlights include my first ceremonial slip out and slam into the pipe rail of the year, Anthony's 270 on to the pipe, and Dan Saunder's complete grind of the pipe rail on a boogie board. You can't do that at Camelback... haha. Anyway I'll shut up and post some pictures now. Bigger shots and I think a couple more are on our site! http://www.bradsplace.org
  18. The forcast so far is staying mostly on track, slight adjustments, some a little warmer, some colder. The 20th they say a low of 12 degrees, but thats pretty far away . Actually on a second look, it seems that the lows have gotten slightly higher, and the highs are slightly lower! That is good news for snow making. Monday through Friday highs are from 32-36 degrees. Really close to 24 hour snow making! Woohoo!
  19. I hope to God that accuweather.com is right on their extended forcast. They say this Sunday is suppose to get cold and keep getting colder for the whole next week. Most lows are from 13-21 degrees and most highs in the 30s. Please Please Please Please Please be right!! Haha, I would be so depressed if it got to next week and the highs were in the 50s or some crap like that again. My note cards are done and over this friday, so now the skiing season can offically start . (It always seems that a whole crapload of notecards get right in the way of skiing...) If forcasts are right I bet many mountains will be open by friday the 17th easily. Snow Snow Snow Snow... Blah, more notecards...
  20. We made a wall ride out of wood for bikes, and it's really easy to make. We propped it up against a tree and then supported it with wood. If you covered it with some sort of fiberglass it would be absolutely perfect, but slick sheet metal I'm sure would be perfectly fine. Freakin' Okemo's is made of wood. Stickiest crap I ever laid my skis on. That thing beat the crap out of me . I'd imagine wood would be worse than sheet metal, so it wouldn't be too bad. (At least in my opinion)
  21. lurker

    My sled dogs are in

    Yeah I wouldn't doubt it. There's nothing in the back and front to support your balance, so I bet it would be easily to fall backwards or frontwords off a jump. What kind did you get, K9s?
  22. Don't look at the stupid weather channel. They always have conservative forcasts (which are sometimes right, but I always hope they aren't). Accuweather is almost guareenteed to have a better snowmaking forcast (and they are sometimes right too). Then those times when nobody is right, and we'd all be better off just guessing the temperature next friday (which is 50% of the time )
  23. linemavericks: That's a good question. I wasn't shooting video so I'll have see if who ever was shooting got it. I'm not sure because it was in the very beginning, and I'm not sure if we had the camera out, but we definently could of. Gurpskier: Yeah sure... 100 dollars an inch. Haha just kidding. I don't think we'll be able to make snow for a while anymore with the warmth coming in, but hopefully accuweathers forcast for next friday is right, and we'll be getting super cold conditions (enough for the ski slopes to open I would bet!!)
  24. We blew so much snow on friday! Wow, it was so much fun. I think we had about a 200x200 foot patch covered enough to board/ski on. The gun was really pumping out the snow. We had a 8 foot round steel pipe to grind, a 20 foot 6x6 post, and a skating quater pipe we covered with snow (about 5 feet high). It obviously wasn't anything extreme, but oh man was it a lot of fun. It's great to be able to put snow where ever you want it. The gun was pumping out around 5 inches an hour if you concentrated the spray into a small 20x20ft patch. Keep in mind the wetbulb temps were around 19 degrees, which is about the best you can get. We stayed up until about 3:00 in the morning messing around with all the snow and rails. I of course took my ceremonial first fall into the rail of the season, and Anthony had to 270 onto it to show us all up, but it was a good time. Dan Saunders managed to grind the whole 8ft rail on a boogie board which is a feat I had never seen before. I don't have any pictures or video right now, because it has been an absolutely insane weekend, but I hopefully will soon. Wooooohoooo! Winter is coming!!
  25. Here we go! First snow pic for us. Its pretty thin and we only blowed for around 20 minutes, but it's still snow! A better version is, of course, on our site . We're hopefully gonna pump it out tomorrow! Yippe!
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