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Everything posted by lurker

  1. Haha, We've got the Runs. Wow thats horrible. Yeah I've seen that "Never a Powder Outage" billboard, and always scoff at it to anyone who'll listen. I mean everywhere in the Poconos almost always has a "Powder Outage". Sorry for the false alarm about the tree, I guess I am going blind .
  2. Hmmm... That picture does look like it has just been reduced a great deal. The ones on the very end are probably just gone, and I probably couldn't see the ones in the center. It defenently needs to restocked. We've got work to do!
  3. Haha, I really hope I'm not wrong about this. Someone has to check it out for me in the light tomorrow.
  4. No not actually cut down just everything taken off. All I could see was one single bra, and the rest was empty. Maybe I am just blind. I'll have to look again.
  5. I have always had some problems with the way that Camelback is run, but the latest attrocity they have commited has just gone too far! Now it's possible I've just gone blind or something, and if that is true I apologize profusely, but I believe the Bra Tree is completey gone ! I wanted to ride back up one more time just to double check, but I ran out of time. I know one thing for sure, The Snow Gods are gonna be pissed.
  6. lurker

    Broken Boots

    Well It took a week or two, but Atomic finally gave me some new boots on the 26th of January. The upside is that I sent in beatup 2003 R-9s and got back brandnew 2005 T-9s. Same boot, with a better design, and tons of little knobs to adjust everything. They are really way way better than my old boots. Canting, forward lean, cuff, all sorts of adjustments. Moral of this story, if you can stand skiing rental boots for 2 weeks, and want new shiny boots, break your heelpiece.
  7. Ah yes, Good Times. If you've ever wanted to play secret agent, and ski at the same time try this trail. You get to hide from Rangers by diving down into the snow, and ski fun uncharted trails at the same time! Fun for everyone !
  8. Just got back from Mt. Bachelor a bit ago, in Oregon. I was really worried about the snow quality, but all was well. The summit opened and there was nice fluffy snow all around, 100% open with tree skiing and park. Mt. Hood was closed at the time, and it's only an hour or so away. The thing that made it weird was, where we were staying about 20 min away from the mountain there was no snow. As you started to drive there was more and more and then all of a sudden, Bam! 4 feet! Really weird. That really sucks about the conditions out there. If it were me, I know I'd be going insane. Though Bachelor was good, it only had around 47 inches of base compared to their average 150-200 for late January.
  9. lurker


    Haha, I'm not brave enough to try and 50-50 that sticky thing . Nah just kidding, You'd be fine because of how fast you can go on a 50-50. I know speed makes a lot of difference, but for instance the A-Frame box at Killington; by the time I get to the top of that I'm almost not moving, but I never stick to it. The kink box at CB also has a very nice slide to it.
  10. lurker


    Yeah I noticed that if I kept to the side of it, it was less sticky also. Skiers seem to have more problems sticking to it because skis bend inward and touch the top sheet while rail sliding, while boards bend outward during a boardslide and touch mostly the rails. Its doable though.
  11. lurker


    Haha, If you want a sticky box, try Camelback's straight box. It took me forever to figure out how to slide that thing without stuttering across it and falling on my face. I finally realized if I keep my skis super wide apart, about 3 feet or so, I can slide it smoothly. Their kink box is nice though.
  12. lurker


    A combo gun should do just fine on that Eaton Compressor. The SM4 on snowguns.com is a great gun, and a couple people have confirmed that the Eaton Compressor does keep up fine with the SM4. Look up more info on snowguns, and on our snowmaking FAQ and see what you think is within your ability range and budget.
  13. Depends on the type of P-Tex. I always use the melter thingy I got off of Tognar.com, but if its a P-Tex candle you can just use a lighter or candle. People also use soldering irons if you have one of those, just make sure you don't burn the P-Tex. You can keep it cooler by constantly unplugging and repluging the soldering iron. Soldering irons get twice as hot as the temperature you want, so plug and unplug accordingly.
  14. lurker


    I'm really interested in what they are going to do with Rhodo. I went by it today around 8:00 at night, and it didn't really seem like they had anything that could be made into a jump. Looks can be deceiving, so I really hope they pull something nice out of that relatively flat looking area.
  15. Thanks for the description. Its amazing how many people I tried to get an actual park layout like that out of, but no one could tell me for some reason. Sounds really nice, I'll have to buy a pass and check it out next weekend maybe.
  16. Haha, I'm gonna have to hunt for that thing now. Hmmm its probably pretty freakin' destroyed by now though.
  17. Yeah also flash players have no moving parts what-so-ever. That means, for all extensive purposes, you can chuck them against things as much as you want, as long as the screen or PCB on the inside doesn't break. Hard drives have little spinning disks and a very percise tracking head, which is why they can skip and are much more fragile. I'm sure the freezing could happen too as Jibophonic said.
  18. I ran into this same situation recently. Check out my Praise to Tognar.com thread for probably most everything you need to know. My sister's been skiing on her skis for about 10 times since, and everythings been great. She even gouged a streak through an old filled gouge, that thing is not going anywhere. Any questions you have, feel free to ask.
  19. Wow... That really is pretty pathetic. If you make a big messup like that, you shouldn't punish your paying customers for it...
  20. Hey whats wrong with it? Just out of curosity. I deal with a lot of electronics crap, and depending on the brand and whats wrong with it, I might be interested in buying it off of you for parts. Oh yeah, if you want a real cheap mp3 player that has a 2 year warranty for boarding and stuff, 128MB Mp3 Player. I got one a bit ago because I didn't want to risk breaking my 20gb one skiing, and it works fine. Get a couple NiMH rechargeable AAA batteries, and you're set for a long time. 44.00 dollars after shipping, and you can get 5 dollars back by writing a review at pricegrabber.com. Not bad at all. If you are gonna spend the money for a new big one, the Iriver H320s and H340s are about the same price as an Ipod and play video and other stuff on their screen. The downside is that you have to know how to encode video, but it can be learned from guides on the internet pretty easy. There about the same size as an Ipod too. That sucks about your board by the way. I'm on rental boots right now so I sorta feel your pain. Breaking stuff sucks.
  21. lurker

    Broken Boots

    Nah... I can't control what shipping The Loft uses. I just hope they send it out soon. I build computers and most of the parts come through FedEx for me. I've never had any problems with them at all besides one very odd time. I was suppose to get 2 packages full of parts and a case and everything came but the case. I checked the shipping and it said it was signed by M. Casaneda or something like that. I'd never heard of him, so as I searched around I found it was delievered to Games 3 - Stroud Mall. After arguing with the Games 3 guy for a while and driving down there I finally picked it up and drove back home. Very Weird...
  22. Thats really cool. When I went up there last, the only things I missed were some intermediate rails/boxes. I mean the mailbox was okay, but it was pretty short and small. The insane stuff was definently there too, but I wasn't good enough to attempt it... A nice in between will be totally awsome. I've always been a jump man, and now I want to learn how to do tough rails. I can do straight rails but thats about it. Its so hard to find good rails to learn on around here.
  23. lurker

    Broken Boots

    Called them and they basically said, that they will get them out within 4 days of when they recieve them, but they can't ship until they see the product. So it looks like I'm gettin' 'em back around the 19th if everything goes as planned. Not in time for my trip, but there will be more of those I guess. I was more concerned about my trip out west, because I only get about 1 of those every couple years, so I want my boots! Haha. Thanks for the help guys
  24. lurker

    Broken Boots

    Just checked ebay, but its so hard to know if the boot is going to fit right or not. I don't race, and I enjoy just freeskiing (what little there is at CB) and freestyle also, so I want something a little flexy. I also have a very slim foot, but its a 13 so the boot has to be long. It was pretty hard to find a boot that fit right, but the Atomic one was pretty good I think. I'm going to try calling Atomic and asking them if they could cross-ship for something as weird as this, if I have a authorized reseller confirm that its not my fault and a manufacturer defect. I know its a longshot, but what do I have to lose. Skiing is a community, so hopefully Atomic will realize the situation I'm in and help me out.
  25. lurker

    Broken Boots

    Uhhh... They were R-9s. I got them October 2003, so I used them last season and the beginning of this season. I suppose they were 2003 models? Maybe 2004 I'm not sure. Its sorta hard to find good boots with a 30.5cm foot.
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