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Everything posted by jeenyussb
Does anyone have the results like they did for the Big Air. I was in the top five and what to know what i got in. I think i might have got 4th.
i was up for like an hour today. Learned frontside spins. Im so use to backsides so it was a big difference. Second try did a 5. Bear was good but my toes went numb in like an hour so i left.
Haha, yea i noticed alot of people looking at my board in the lift line.
Ill be there. If you see a board that is all blue pink and yellow and question if im gay, that will be me. Im not gay though. .........^
I came in 6th with 22.9 points. not that bad.
Well tonight i realized that i need to work on my spins. I completely sucked. Only good thing i did was a backflip. Every other run I sucked because i tried to spin.
There all seperate so you can just enter one and still win stuff. Im just entering the montgomeryville one.
I think backflips are the most easy on kickers. but i learned on like this little thing that shot you straight up.
I might be there. Im soo sketchy on jumps though. If i do enter ill be in the 16-20
Never mind. Im an idiot. Didnt read into it till now. Now im pissed. Guess im going to have to wait till the 8th.
Umm.. I didnt read this till now but you have to be part of this other thing to compete? what is this?
Slopestyle. Its at 10 but sign ups are from 7-8 i think.
Not that i know of. I try to get my friends to compete but they never do. Im always stuck by myself. Pretty lame.
Yea I am competing. Are you?
Ill be at the slopestyle.
Im not the best kid out there. I actually just learned frontsides this year. Im going to try to learn 270 on before the comp. I just think doing this would make me alot better and it should just be and awsome experience.
Just signed up. Do you know what kind of skull candy headphones?
There was this one time, when i was teaching my girlfriend how to board. She was taking a break sitting down on the bunny hill. This other chick comes flying down the hill like sitting on her board but still straped in. I guess she was learning to. I slid my girlfriend out of the way and the girl came flying right into us. She broke my strap on mybinding and her board went into my girlfriends back. She said sorry and all that stuff. I was not mad at all at her because i knew it was mostly our fault. Now that i think about it, i should have just decked this kid in his face for being such an asshat.
Im pretty sure you all know where the first rail is in the park and how everyone forms lines right at the landing right? Well today i almost got into a fist fight over it. It was pretty ridiculous. Heres the story. I was going up to do the rail because I thought i could land and get away without hitting anyone, well i was wrong. There was this kid standing a little in front of where i landed. I tried to stop as quick as i could but it was ice so i slipped and hit him with my board. The first thing i said was "sorry dude". Normaly if someone hits me or anything and they say sorry i say thats ok and just walk away not mad at all. Well this kid was like flipping out. He was like watch where the F you going. That sent me off. I was like don't F'n stand on the landing. Its ice and i slid right into you. So STFU. Then he was like WTF are you going to do, he unstraps and comes all up in my bubble. The last thing i want is my pass taken away so i stay strapped in and my friend getss inbetween us. Some harsh words were said and i left and pulled a clean frontside board fakie out. Then he sucked it up and did have the box. Its just annoying how rude kids can be. It was in a crowd so some others saw it. If you were one of the others what do you think about that?
I saw them making two. The first one was bigger then the second one. They looked pretty big. They looked perfect just need park crew to clean them up.
I was there. The jibs were nice.The snow was awesome but icy in some spots, barely any. Im going up tommarow after school. Cant wait to hit the tubeing jump set tommarow. It looked sick tonight.
Awesome, I was waiting for these. I looked through them and i found my self after about 10 minutes of looking. The only one of me.
the ear muffs snap on and off
I got these for my girlfriend. They have earmuffs. There awesome.
I personally think it looks stupid. It just makes me like at the people who wear the jerseys and big shirts like they are full of them selves. It makes them look not as good as they are when they try to dress like that. I like the whole matching outfit. Like all plaid and shit like that but the jerseys over the hoodies is just retarded to me. Sorry.