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Everything posted by The_Public_Enemy

  1. The only lifts open were the t-park lift, raceway lift, sunbowl lift, and mabye one more of the mid-mountain lifts. I stopped halfway up to the mountain b/c my friends called and said that it was packed b/c everyone was condensed to only a few lifts. The only thing I would have gone for is Rhodo, which I was told had been comandeered by a bunch of asian tourists. The same friends (who are instructors there) who called me also got fired for hiking the mountain to get a sweet powder run in. Messed up stuff...
  2. On Fri I decided to go to shawnee w/ a few friends instead of the Z games (Sorry I wasn't there to beat you Gurp , j/k) b/c I hadn't skied in over a week and half. Wrong decision. They had sick rails but had NO idea how to set them up. Their idea of a landing for a rail was a 6 foot high, 2 foot wide chunk of ice. They also had the jumps (which had no lips) to the rails 2 feet below the start of the rail so you needed to pop like a mother to get on. On top of all this, they installed their DFD rail backwards, making it a queer Up-Down-Up rail. The jumps were decent, but didn't have nearly enough lip (CB's rhodo jumps blew them away). Finally, their "superpipe" was a disgusting mound of ice not even cut to vert. Don't waste your money.
  3. Haha. Are you breaking him/her ranch style or horse whisperer style? My dad and I have broke three together (including a pretty fiesty stallion) and always found the horse whisperer approach much better (A little off topic, sorry).
  4. That should be CB's Slogan
  5. I'm probably going to head up tommorow, but some heads up on what they've added would be nice to see if it's worth it. Could anyone tell me what new stuff they have up?
  6. I'm not sure if that was directed at me, but if it was... The winner deserved it, he threw consistent 270's onto everything, with some fakie 270's thrown in. Second and third is where the controversy came in. Most of the skiers were so close in ability (picture one or two 270's per run, and a few fakie on's, with a disaster onto the DFD box) that it would have been really hard to place them. It wasn't like you said where you just need to slide clean, though take into account that it was ALL boxes.
  7. I actually find 270's on easier than 270's off. If you can't do them yet, I'd start working on them. Just make sure you spot your landing during the whole spin (Landing blind is near suicide) and punch through the spin with your hip (As lurker would call it: "Hip Explosion").
  8. I went last week and it was all frikkin' boxes. I had a detailed post about the setup here: Other Post I would go up this week for another shot at the finals, but I'm getting my wisdom teeth taken out the same day, and I don't think general anesthesia and skiing mix (kinda off topic, but anyone ever had that done?) I'll definately be up there the following fridays though.
  9. How old's your bro?
  10. Amen to that!
  11. You've gotta remember that's not powder. The Sierras get "Sierra Cement" so you'd be skiing on top of it not in it. It's still a hell of a lot of snow though!
  12. Definately props to Justo for making that rail look so easy. I tried it the other day and just barely made it past the drop. When I came within inches of nutting myself on it, I decided to let it be for the rest of the day
  13. Nitro, I didn't place, but I'm pretty sure I was right behind. It wasn't my best showing As for the 14-17 boarders the only placer who I remember is my friend Anthony DiBello. He got first (I think his 450 disaster onto the DFD box did it). He also won the finals last year. Sorry, but I don't remember 2nd and 3rd.
  14. You need to clarify some of your terminology. Patrollers are the guys in red jackets with white crosses. They rarely interfere with skiers and riders except to help them in medical situations. Rangers are the evil, power hungry ski Nazis who attempt to over-regulate every aspect of the hill. They wear the yellow jackets and are the bane of many a skiier at CB. I don't care if you bash on rangers, but spare the patrollers, rangers just give them a bad name.
  15. Just got back from the first round of Z games and I must say it SUCKED large balls. The only thing they had up was boxes, not even a single rail or jump. The first three hits were all flat boxes, the first one wasn't even a true flat box. It was the box for the sharkfin thing adapted to flatbox use. Three flat boxes in a row was incredibly boring. I ended doing some 270's, fakies, and butters onto 'em. The Down-Flat-Down box was one sorry excuse for a feature too. It was more like a Down-Down-Down box because the flat never even made it close to becoming truly flat. I just gapped to the second down part for my first run and failed miserably at a switch-up my second time. The C-box was one of the worst. They had it buried up to its lip so that when you went to slide it, your tips would sometimes catch on the snow and send you flying. In my opinion, it also needs some more slant to it. The final feature was the first 2/3's of the dragon tail box. In other words, a crack baby rainbow box. Some people were using it as a jump, but I decided to just slide it. In addition to all this, the lips on everything were terrible. I had to huck to just get a 270 on the flat boxes. The only thing were you could get some decent pop was on the DFD box, and I wasn't about to spin over something tha big yet. The only good thing was that they re-groomed the whole park just for the competition, so it was true granular and not ice. Granted BB didn't have much snow to work with, but they better shape up for the other comps. Was any one else there for the comp?
  16. At least they're recovering the snow they are losing. They have trenches channeling it back into their resevoir pond.
  17. Yeah, I do ski camelback, but I'm not an instructor. I've got the Nine MX (motocross, it has the visor) helmet, that should give me away. And I should be ripping twice as hard as the instructor The other kid was probably my mini-me; my brother. He rocks PE's too.
  18. You guys had it easy down here! I was up at Killington (27th-28th) and on Monday at 1:00 it was 0 degrees mid-mountain. That's without the 30 mph gusts that were slamming into me. At one point I spread my arms and legs out and the wind started to push me back up the hill. Tuesday it was -4 degrees, but with much less wind.
  19. Do they have the dates and info for this stuff on their site? I'd be interested in doing slopestyle and skiercross.
  20. Nile is great to lay some huge arcing turns down. Only problem is those blind turns make it impossible to see rangers before you're doing mach 10 around them. Whenever I see yellow coming around a turn there, a string of unmentionable profanities run through my head.
  21. No need to apologize, I just think that 50-50ing is really dumb for skiers. Olenick or no Olenick. If you land like that off a spin onto the box, that's a whole different story, but just going up to it and 50-50ing it really turns me off. Olenick is definitely a sick skier though. I saw him in the US Freeskiing Open slopestyle at Vail. Got to talk to him in a line-up for a box too.
  22. We discovered that adding coping would be a very good idea, haha. An asshole kid that my friend decided to have over tried to slide it. The only problem is that he sucks and he didn't land flat on the box, but at an angle. A big chunk of plexi came off and gouged a huge core shot into his board So right now, the C-Rainbow is out of commision until some coping is added. We did get a new 20' round rail today though...
  23. I've seen that happen a few times. Those things fly once they're dropped. Some stupid guy downhill tried to dive on it and got the wind knocked out of him pretty bad. He's lucky he didn't get hurt worse.
  24. Here's a pretty cool C-Rainbow box my friends and I built (For reference, it's about 20 feet long). I slid it the other day and it felt pretty sweet for a home-made box. What do you guys think?
  25. If I EVER caught a self-respecting skiier do a box 50-50 I would have to slap them, haha Anyway, if they put an up section on the end to make it a kicker, you could throw some mad spins off it.
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