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Everything posted by B L U N T

  1. Yo Rock on ladies! We got a snow blowin going on AS I LOOK! Its like a 6 minute wait for this camera because EVERYONE on the east coast is trying to see what we all wait for for like 8 months! And Its RIGHT NOW! Ahhhhh! Stoked! Just Fuckin Stoked! Holy Snow~ BEAR CREEK ROCKS!
  2. BEAR CREEK BEAR CREEK BEAR CREEK!!! Ahhhhhhhh! SToked! Fuckin Stoked!
  3. Dumb^ I WENT to Bear Creek yesterday and they had completed it and everything is ready. They have new snowmaking machines and like 60% better snowmaking abilities. They propose the 12th!! its a tuesday, Be ready.!.!.
  4. Rocks.
  5. Holy Shit batman! That is some crazy stuff you guys got going. You Iron Works guys fuckin rule!
  6. I got $20 on December 15th or 16th, Which ever is the Saterday. I like to think that someone knows what is going on so I just use the almanac, as well as www.Noaa.gov Cause they are real kickass<<
  7. Alright, screw you all. I buy a farmers Almanac every year for this cause you girlies are just guessing. December 1-3 Chilly Flurries 4-6 Rainish, mild 7-9 Sunny, Real Cold 10-14 Mild, Little rain **15-21 Cold. SNOW. Flurries! 22-27 More snow, Sunny and cold 28-31 Mild and Sunny, Then some rain. Looks like we could get screwed for the beggining, but its just an EDUCATED guess based on many many years of data and records making averages. Everyone here must have a "Pray-for-Snow" Bonfire December 2nd to try and stir up the snow gods.
  8. We all know, But being bad ass, we dont care. So...Lets just keep doing it because it not hurting anyone! Id also like to add that its all prezident bush's fault its not snowing right now, not the entire gov.
  9. Im going up December 2nd because the people in the eatery think i need a "Tour" again. I live there. Im gonna walk up and check it. Looks bad ass, keep them comin guys, you rock.
  10. Wow, Kickass! If anyone else here is dying for this season to start, Raise your hand! Ill be stuck workin in the eatery, so come visit me. Thank you Mark
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