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Everything posted by soccer911

  1. so is it a very significant difference in snow quality/ amount?
  2. We're planning a trip to ski somewhere from March 27 to April 4th. So early spring. What area (California, Utah, Colorado, Washington, Oregon, Tahoe) ect...consistently has the most snow in early Spring? help plz!!
  3. There's NOOOOO WAY that the last one was 15-25 ft...only me and 2 snowboarders did the last jump 2 days ago...it was 55 ft..at the least it was 45 Did it get smaller? or is my perception of distance horrible?
  4. Im going to be going to a water ramp camp. I need cheap skis w/ bindings and boots that are twin tips Speceifications Under $100 Skis: 135-165 cm long Twin tipped Binding is functional Must be usable/ will not break easily Under $50 Boots: size 8 or 8.5 Must be wearable
  5. sometimes on big jumps i spin my head faster than my body because im afraid of not making the rotation without realizing it, so that might be ure problem too. And also, you might be starting to rotate a bit before the jump and that makes u go cork
  6. It's hard to find east coast ski competitions these days...what amateaur competitions are there these days besides the ones at local mountains... Are there any other nation-wide amateaur competitions i.e next snow search and mountain dew vertical challenge?
  7. thx!! i just superglued it
  8. The top layer of my ski is chipped at the side The chipped section is about .5 inch X 1.5 inches. How can I repair this? Also, what can I do to prevent any further damage? Any suggestions/ advice would be greatly apreciated!!! :rock
  9. only open to snowboarders...!!!!!! everything in MC is 4 snowboarders snowboarders snowboarders!!!
  10. i no my backflip sucks and i have no height but i did it!!w00t http://www.metacafe.com/watch/1029709/ski_backflip_gary_le/
  11. soccer911

    cork 5

    how do u do a cork 5 on tramp? I can do a cork 7 on tramp but I can't do a cork 5 r u supposed to go less inverted? I need good explanations please Thanks
  12. 200 for scratch pros new and 50 for new tyrolia bindings.
  13. thx splooshie. Im getting scratch pro jrs w/ tyrolia 70 bindings but gonna b most expensive skis i ever bought
  14. yea protective caps to protect the tips. My ski tips broke off on the tips at first, and then soon my whole ski was destroyed , so thats y i want them. I don't want $200 to be destroyed within seconds, so if i cant get protective caps, wat should i do to protect them?
  15. What twin tip skis with bindings attached and protective caps for the tips can i get for under 250 dollars? Also, is it possible to buy protective caps seperately and insert them into the skis? thanks
  16. ??padding 4 wat
  17. hey wat do u use the chips for
  18. soccer911

    summer ski camp

    Im going to a summer ski camp for 2 weeks. What should I bring ? suggestions please
  19. so how many feet is a "small jump" i heard that an angle of 40 degrees is the best.. is that true? thanks
  20. so should i rotate faster than a regular flip and how much vert and air do i need to do it?
  21. yea i already mastered it on trampoline. and im a skier yea i already mastered it on trampoline. and im a skier im trying it only my twin tips
  22. which is easier to do? what r u supposed to learn first? front flip or backflip? how do u do it?
  23. r there any east coast freestyle camps from april 1-7?
  24. actualy the 1980 skis r pretty good. xcept the bindings broke and i have a lot of bobos
  25. oh yeah. and could u explain why it helps mroe? thx
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