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  1. When i was at keystone they had a thick sewage pipe kinda thing with ridges on it (not sure what its called) that was fun as shit... it was set up to launch you upwords like that picnic table in the park does now except not as steep. Putting a car in would be sick if there was enough snow to pull it off. Maybe put in a quarter pipe with a wallride at the top and put a jib on the lip of the halfpipe or something. Maybe a spine wedge or something at the bottom towards the lift... I think they did that before but it would be fun Thats all i can think of right now
  2. The whole world pretty much still skis through except now they all have to make it through a 10 foot wide set of steps first On another note, I had a lot of fun today in the park. I though everything was set up decently. The S box thing looks like a waste of money, I know i'm probally not gonna hit it. Everything else was fun.
  3. I disagree. All it does is ruin the flow of things. Plus for a while the ski patrol was forcing people to unstrap both feet and then strap back in up the steps which gets old really quick. I honestly think the only way to keep those people out is to enforce some kind of park pass.
  4. WORST IDEA EVER!!!!! Why don't they make people pay for a park pass like mountain creek or something like that cause the steps do not keep people from wandering down the park? I've seen old people trying to pizza up the steps on thier skis, people who can barely ski at all take off thier skis to walk up them into the park and so on. One lady insisted on coming in even when we explained what she was in for, she fell out of her skis while someone tried to pull her up the steps, held everyone up then once she got in ended up getting in everyones way hitting the sides of the jumps and stopped in all the wrong places. I don't understand how they don't get it...
  5. I am outsourcing them and I'm using guildan tees
  6. When you catch your toe edge riding and fall on your face its called a scorpion cause your legs kinda go up in the air like the scorpions tail. The whole idea behind the name yardsale is when you fall on the mountain and all your gear flys everywhere its called a yardsale. So thats the meaning behind the designs. I also have another shirt design incase you guys aren't feeling the scorps. More stuff is on the way and I'm going to be doing some girls stuff too (that is form fit). As always each shirt is $10 This one is available on a black tshirt of gray... if anyone is interested send me an email at yardsaleclothing@yahoo.com I really appreciate any help I can get from you guys. We have a myspace account if you click here. Send us a friend request. Besides all that I'm so stoked for this season. I got a trip to killington planned for december 1st thru 3rd and I can't wait to use my new stuff. I love the first day of the season when you get your board and you drop it on the snow and its all slick cause you just waxed it.
  7. Yo I'm trying to start a t shirt company fun by kids that ride. I just got in my first batch of shirts and they are going for $10 each. I only have 2 dozen made so they are gonna go quick. Send an email to socialdbob@aol.com if you are interested! The image below is what the shirts look like Be our friend on myspace! http://www.myspace.com/yardsaleclothing
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