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Everything posted by swdorsey

  1. andy i have some really creative ideas. and boulder sucks more dick than that one kids dad. can i be on park crew? dude ive been going to bear for like 10 years. i can even do a 180 now. shit i should be sponsored. ps. tom and rob are both gay and cant build parks for their lives i might make an appearance in nov/december. watch out
  2. looks like the park is starting to get built in black bear. the new pb600 is up near the entrance right now pushing the snow.
  3. ... and we do know
  4. we all work together hahahahahaha. u guys are too easy
  5. hahaha its over it was fun while it lasted. relax kids employees like to have fun too
  6. unless they plan on opening without a park and without lift ops then there not opening till monday. i guess the pasr staff is gonna run the mountain. rails are going in sunday night and andys not back at bear till then to groom.
  7. damn not till monday. they want to build a park comparable to boulders for opening day. it will be sweet though. just hang on and it will be sick
  8. rails already up in cascade on the side by tubing and stairs are permanent
  9. Liking the constructive criticism. Keep it coming. I agree maybe move the rails down a bit or just put something there that isn't hikable so kids aren't sitting there. also maybe keep the 2 jump line on skiers right going all the way down the trail and into the tubing park. Maybe get a few tables that pop high and are short after those first two jumps. Kind of BMX dirt jump style. I donno could be fun. Just my 2 cents. I'm sure Andy has a good plan though.
  10. i wish it was more like sno's website
  11. dear big boulder, good job
  12. haha your being watched
  13. 1 wont happen because all of the guns that can be moved are all sitting at the bottom of the triple. If they wanted to go all out now, the guns would already be out and ready to blow tonight. That leaves 2 and 3. It really doesn't matter which one that they do for the people who are looking to go ride. I would say we will know when they will blow as soon as those guns at the bottom of the triple get moved out onto the mountain. PS. Hopefully they put most of those guns in one of the parks. Fill out every outlet on the water pipe in the park with movable guns. That would be sweet.
  14. to the best of my knowledge both bear and boulder use smi fan guns as their primary snowmakers
  15. a51 at keystone has the best website i believe.
  16. honestly every one of them is awful
  17. hahahahahah guys im sorry. honesty the only thing im jealous at is that i will not be skiing this weekend because i have a NCAA championship meet. its sick as hell that boulder is blowing snow right now and i cant wait to ski on thanksgiving. obviously bear is my preferred mountain, as i helped to build their park for three years. with that said i have alot of respect for what the guys at boulder and it looks like sno are doing. its crazy that shit is opening this quickly. i dont have a pass anywhere this year so i plan on going to alot of places, if i get the time, and checking them out. boulder will definitely be the first stop. and this is for their park crew. make my claim of 25 rails and a jump a reality. haha i want to ski on some fun shit. see you guys out there and sorry for starting false shit, although i think its hilarious that i can make a statement on here and so many people get happy and post everywhere. thats a good thing for pa skiing. get ready for some sking, dorsey
  18. god you guys are just too easy didnt think i could log into Boulder Park did you?
  19. yeah im actually not working anywhere this year since im at Bucknell for school and running there. I wont be skiing much because of that which is sad but it would be nice to do a bit of skiing over thanksgiving break. just cant get hurt or the coach might kill me so ill be more of a bitch than i used to be (if thats even possible). And i wasnt at BB i just wanted to see how long it would take for someone to reply. (i know im a bastard, sorry)
  20. i just turned on a fan gun in my dorm room. haha sorry about that 1st post that was mean but im sure they will be blowing tonight
  21. No one got fired for smoking on park crew last year because no one on park crew smoked. For some reason everyone on the mountain thought that someone did but the only person to be fired was fired because he never showed up to work. It was funny though that on a frequent basis people would make shit up and tell us random stuff that supposedly happened while we were working.
  22. Yo Im expecting everyone to participate in gaper day on closing day this year. It is essential that you join in.
  23. This thread should not be tilted little kids in the terrain park. It should be people who shouldnt be in the park. I was just at K-ton and there was a little 5 year old with his dad in the park. I was going to say something because they were standing in the drop zone but for whatever reason I didnt. The kid waits his turn and looks back and says "drop." Honestly thiss kid was 5 at the ondest and i almost shat my pants. I went over to hia dad and was like good job man, you are doing a real good job with your kid. Everyone at the top of the park had the same reaction. The kid dropped in on a 20 footer and cleared the whole thing and he was sliding boxes and shit. DOnt diss on little kids from now on, but yell at people who shouldnt be in the park. This kid should be in teh park.
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