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Everything posted by swdorsey

  1. would it be helpful if i kept doing this site... do people look at it alot or am i wasting my time... comment please
  2. well alot of ppl dont know about the little park yet... tell the lil kids in teh big parks to go and chack it out becuse it is a better place to learn
  3. And at Bear one kid was saying they had a 50ft flat box-rail...when its only 25ft Yeah man i know where you are comming from.. the sizes of alot of shit is exaggerated in PA... that box is only 30 feet by the way and the middle jumps is 30 feet... the montain employees dont usually exaggerate the sizes though... kids on lifts will be like "yeah i boardslid that 50 foot box" or "I just 3'd the 50 foot table" they try to make themselves better than they are and change the sizes of features while they are at it... when people hear others talking anout the sizes of jumps and rails they believe them... i can vouch for blue they have a huge stepdown in the 70 foot range but the quality of the jumps there (esp. the landings) make the jumps much different from something out west... the way jumps are built west is that u are shot high and langings are extremely steep... in the poconos we cant build jumps like this because the trails are not steep enough and cat drivers are not the best as compared to places like mammoth... you cant argue that the tables at any resort around here are up to par with west coast standards so dont try to... i dont think bear could even build a good 70 footer... if they did it would be useless because of speeed issues... i hope people know where i am comming from because rails around here are right on with west coast but not jumps because of the terain we have to work with along with many other factors
  4. nop offense tro blue but that was such a let dpwn.. there are no landings after huge kickers.. i dont know how u guys still have knees
  5. u goys dont understand how difficult it is to maintain some of the stuff (esp after it snows) ... the park crew does its best to maintain teh features so dont rat on them or next time they see you you will be impailled with a shovel
  6. ok sorry then like i said i wasnt there so i should prob. shut up on this topic... sorry cant spell, i know its not orange masters
  7. i dont know how i would react but yeah i stand by my point that it is a judged event like it or not there is no other way to do it and there will always be bitching at teh judges... by no means am i saying that the judges do a good job at bear and i would not want to be a judge but no one can argue that judging isnt subjective and style is probobaly the hardest thing to judge. think about most events anywhere i mean go on newschoolers and people bitch about every contests results... no matter what you do teh results wont ever change so next time listen at teh meetings, voice your opinion before the contest and pray that you are on teh same page as the judges... i think that even kt would agree with me on all of that after he got bitched out during the contest which by no means am i implying that kt should not have won because from what i hear the kid who won shouldnt have... the only possible solution= go orange masters style which would never work at bear creek so the "crappy" judging will most likely continue
  8. um yeah i wasnt there but from what u guys are saying, the further u go down the landing teh higher teh score? if that is true r they looking for someone to go dumont style. as i said i wasnt there and i dont know what happened but from what i am hearing teh whole judging situation wsa recuculas. the best way to fix teh problem is to get some judges who knoww what they are talking about and have more judges, say 5. the top score and teh bottom score should be thrown out and the other 3 averaged. those are my thoughts but also to put in in perspectice some pro in freeze said "its a judged sport so there will always be the element of judges not being up to par with the competitors. People will always leave pissed because they thought they should have won and that leads to people bitching about everything. The fact of the matter is who gives a shit. im sure its nice to win teh prises and shit but if you can throw down what you think should have won dont be pissed be happy u threw shit down, because if you did other people noticed. basically my point is go out have fun, if you win you win but people will always hate judging and its a part of teh sport so deal with it rant over
  9. haha yeah dude i hope so but yeah ill be up tomorrow night... im getting a ride from teh parental units... how did teh contest go i dont know what the jump even was... anyone have any info
  10. yeah i should but my car broke down so idk what im gonna do but w/e ill get footy from other people for the video also someone get a sticky on this thread
  11. ok im puttin on the mini slopestyle one because i havent done a video update in a while but this ussa slopestyle one im working on is super sick
  12. haha yeah guys i have teh vid from the 1st slopestyle the mini park one... the footage from the ussa one isnt edited yet but im gonna just wait and posT the ussa one so ur not gonna see the mini park one for a little bit
  13. i have something from the minislopestyle that i might post if there is some interest
  14. ahhaahha
  15. ok cool thanks justin i will do that
  16. swdorsey

    Park Poll

    justo i thought it was teh opposite with ur 50 foot booter... i guess i was wrong
  17. can someone please take a pic of this huge ass table
  18. swdorsey

    Park Poll

    i think that both parks are quite sick but bears may have taken the lead with the new setup
  19. yeah man should b sick.. hows the blue park these days.. i havent heard about anything really on teh setup there in like 3 weeks. this new snow should help out all the pa parks i mean finall we have something to work with
  20. bear si now a contender for teh best park in pa in my opinion.. i mean blue definately has more features but teh quality at bear is very very good right now... some crazy set ups noone has ever seen in pa... i mean rail gaps?
  21. super sick setup o man its so good
  22. haha dude u drew a superpipe... why i mean it looks sick but what are you trying to suggest... can u clarify that a bit... nice drawing though
  23. im sorry im workin on it dude
  24. is that a park bully at the bottom of the mountain? o and to improve your setup idk man id say get some new setups or something idk what spring has 2 work with in the way of jibs but get that c sweet if thats your best feature... it didnt look like it was setup rite in the video because none of teh riders were hitting the lip. teh rails could be kinda fun if setup right. where were the skiiers?
  25. o man enough snow to salvage a legit contest setup for midatlantics... thank god
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