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Everything posted by swdorsey

  1. i was just there and had alot of fun but what happened with their parks. They were flat out terrible, nothing big at all. Whatever still a good time and the trees off devils fiddle are sick nasty.
  2. Nice work but i think that better has come out of region. I mean not to knock you at all, because it was good, but it doesnt compare to what steve and evan put together last year. And that kid almost nailed that groomer under the jump. That would have been bad.
  3. Were doing a major rebuild on cascade and tubing in the comming days. Definately the best setup of the year, its all drawn up and really really good. Plenty of stuff to throw down on, lots of original ideas, and lots of BIG features. Andy started last night pushing some piles and built one of the new features in Cascade, the step up-butterpad-step down. Check it out and you will realize what we are trying to do with the park. All of the rails and boxes are ready to be put out on the hill. You asked, BC Ironworks is putting out the goods so step up and get ready to throw down. Most progressive park in PA by the end of the weekend.
  4. On sunday the snow was impossible to shape after like 3. We did the best we could and raked and salted everything but the snow had no intregerdy so some features got pretty bad. That said, alot of the features were also really good. As for the landings, there is nothing you can do when the snow is like that other than close the jump and regroom it and let it sit overnight. The good news is with the manmade snow, we should be able to keep everything in great shape. Sorry that some of the features weren't perfect but when they get heavy traffic and the snow wont hold, there is nothing you can do. Moral of the story- granular snow is bad.
  5. noone on park crew is 16 Edit: Gruber is 18, its a typo
  6. Yo guys I made a little edit last weekend. The quality is terrible because of google video but hopefully i will repost it so it looks better soon. Take a peek sometime. Link: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=178370346594934925
  7. The new park setups are on the BC website now. There are over 50 features in our 4 parks (Cascade, Tubing, Black Bear, Grizzly) now with more to come soon. Parks are the best they ever have been so come out and check it out. The Urban contest is on thursday night.
  8. yeah he has a hookup with 661 so im sure he will just use that
  9. Sorry to clarify on the "or." All the features I listed are in the park. The ones that are seperated by "or" are set up next to each other on the trail. You can only hit one of these features per run.
  10. Black Bear Park got some new jibs last night. The Black Bear Park is now set up like this. More of the Park Rebuild is going down tonight. 1. Flat Down Box or Flat Box 2. Small Table or Medium Table or Rainbow Box or C Box 3. Small Table or Medium Table or U Box or Flat Box 4. Small Table or Battleship Rail or Y Rail 5. Wallride 6. Large Staircase 7. Single Barrel Rail 8. Flat Bar Rail 9. S Rail
  11. Yo guys thanks for the park input and everything. We are doing our best to stay on top of the parks and like Mark said we are planning a rebuild midweek. The snowmakers went nuts on Cascade last night and Im pretty sure that is going to continue through tonight as well. They are making us some more snow so we have more to work with during the rebuild. That is the reason that some of the rails were lower than usual today. Please bear with us for the next few days park wise until the rebuild is complete. Once we redo it all, the features will all ride the best they ever have and will be setup perfectly. I think basically can understand this and it is for the better that they blew that snow and partially burried some of the rails and the small stairs. As for the rebuild expect Cascade to look completely different come late next week. Andy started to push the first jump next to the tree bonk and also pushed alot of snow up to the tree last night (tree bonk will have a much better tranny than before). You can see what we are trying to do size sise in Cascade during the build by looking at the pile for that first jump. Also look for alot more rails throughout all of the parks. Alot of the rails that are setup now are going to be moved/ built differently. Although an exact setup hasn't been made yet, alot of original ideas are being tossed around and Im confident that bear will build the best park we ever have (unquestionably). Last thing, please dont ask what setup we are going to build. If its going to be announced, im sure someone official will do so.
  12. yeah they announced it at bear
  13. as a park crew mamber who has dealt with planet rails, like boyer used to, they are complete shit
  14. swdorsey


    Yeah guys I know what your talking about. We put up "no parking go ride signs" on that landing area and they worked a little but not to well. The only way to enforse this is for the locals to enforce the signs. Tell the people who are sitting there to move over so they are out of the landing. Its the only way for this to happen. Once the medium park on black bear is opened up, the people sessioning that box will be in there and not clogging up cascade.
  15. yeah were makin snow. thank god.
  16. i agree shadow a snowmaker
  17. im pretty sure that is the worst idea ever. people would die, a million lawsuits would go down, just a bad idea. shame on you.
  18. yes bear will open in teh next week or two. if not we have some serious issues.
  19. Yo man wrong on both accounts. Bear blew as much as humanly possible on all of the trails we had opened. We put all of the water the guns could handle into those guns on those open trails. We had extra pumping capacity so other guns on the other side of the mountain were on as well. Now once this supposed cold weather comes, we can blow on top of these piles on the other side of the mountain and get that opened up to. Blowing on top of piles makes more snow than blowing onto grass. We will aslo blow alot more on cascade and black bear, where there is also snow to blow on top of. I hope i answered your two supposed knocks on bear creek. Amazingly, the snowmakers here have a clue what they are doing. We should be opened again after all of this snowmaking takes place. Looks like we have alot of time to put down a solid base. I understand that your pissed that Bear isnt trying to mess up the snowmaking to make it so we arent opened. Bear wants to be opened just as bad if not more than you want it to be opened.
  20. that is the most confusing contest ever
  21. yeah idk im not a fan of that video. some of the footy was good and some was bad. I think the editing was what i didnt like about it. It was all choppy and it showed more red bull and sponsor banners than riding. Some quick cuts are always cool but when u do the sliding bars cut for every shot i just want to have a sesure. Im not trying to bash whoever made this cause video editing is definately subjective and im sure alot of people liked it. Im just not to much of a fan of this one.
  22. 1/12/07- Ill keep this one going. We had all of the features in cacsade yesterday. After the drop in there is the flat bar which is next to where the future tree jib will go. The cliff is open to drop but there is no lip off of the top yet. After that, there is then an option of a flat box or a flat rail. Then there is an option of a "step down box" feature or the long urban handrail. Then the small staircase is set up perfectly. Definately the feature of the day. Then an upsloped picnic table that is getting ripped up buy everyone. Then there is another flat box. Finally a rainbox box ends the run. Not to bad for the amount of snow we have. Expect more and bigger features once we blow snow this upcomming week. There are alot more jibs sitting off to the side of the trail just waiting for more snow to be set up. All and all it was a good first night and everyone was throwing down and having a good time.
  23. yeah we are aware of the picnic table landing. WE need to move it back lik e2 or 3 feet so you actually land on it. Expect that once we can get enough snow to push it into a bigger landing. yeah we are aware of the picnic table landing. WE need to move it back lik e2 or 3 feet so you actually land on it. Expect that once we can get enough snow to push it into a bigger landing.
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