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Everything posted by swdorsey

  1. yeah i have an idea... lets all build good parks!!
  2. yeah basically every mountain out west knows how to make jumps... copy theirs i wasnt only refering to blue here. im want blue to be good because it will just push everything to be better. i didnt mean to be unfriendly by any means, its just the truth. If someone has a good idea u copy it. Bear copys off places and other places copy off bear. its just how life works
  3. park update for bear wont come out... other mountains pride themselves on attempting to take our rail ideas and other ideas so its best to just keep our mouth shut and not tell anyone anything. sorry but its for the best. on abetter note i truely hope blue can put together a good park. last year was definately a start
  4. has anyone checked this thing out yet. it looks so sick to ride. is it anything like surfing? im amazed that PA has one of these
  5. swdorsey

    My promo

    lets not go into whos the 'best' freestyle skier. it will just cause an arguement
  6. ok i have a question for whoever wants to answer it. im lookin 2 get some snowboard boots jst for like park crew type work during comps and suck (ski boots suck diring theese times). I want a pair that is mad cheap has and is as unstiff as possible. i will NOT board in um its just for doin park crew as i said.
  7. swdorsey

    My promo

    i love the argument over the song choice hahah who cares honestly it really doesnt matter and nipples knew the song before i edited it and OK'ed it so no bitching people or else. If the rider wants rap i will put it in his video but nipples never said anything so i didnt. On the whole gangster standpoint do we really want to look and act like thugs? sorry im not trying to change any opinions or anything but when it looks like you are wearing a trashbag, teh whole gangster/thug image goes a little overboard. I have no problem with hip hop or rap at all if you listen to it and want it in your video ill put it there but if you dont specify dont bitch at me for putting in a song that you dont like. (not saying that that bipples is bitching but you get the point)
  8. self explainatory and this is the best filmer and most progressive skiing you will ever see. Go to www.level1productions.com then go to the bottom left and type in your email address and click the button to submit When it says that you have been regestered highlight directly to the left of the message then click the trailer link. Berman is the man and you need to see this.
  9. swdorsey

    My promo

    um yeah on the bubble thing that is used because the shit is really small that he is skiing on so ideally papa should have used a fisheye. since he didnt i used the filter thing. Also boxcar racer is the shit so dont get on me 4 that. have you checked out the new project angles and airwaves. Definately one of teh better bands for teh upcomming summer. Musical tastes are different though, its hard to please everyone. I am a person who wont do teh whole gangster rap thing in skiing. We are all middle to upper class white people who enjoy going to the mountains, none of us are gangsters.
  10. swdorsey

    My promo

    that bonus wasnt supposed 2 be there haha my bad there not part of the video
  11. swdorsey


    i just typed like a comprehensive guide to weverything u should know and i hit reply and it was gone so i m not gonna do it again. to be honest im pretty pissed but thats ok. check NS and skate video websites for alot of good info
  12. First grade teacher content is important in an online post not spelling. Remember that please. Also, do not address me by my last name because you do not even know me. Finally, use the "golden rule" that you most likely teach kids everyday. Comments that pretain to a topic are usually more useful than mindless mockery.
  13. noone cares anyones input on park passes so dont discuss them... theses a huge page for you to bitch and moan about how you want/dont want them... this is your chance to make the park better instead of comming to park crew and saying this sucks and leaving.. wghat are we supposed to do? just tell us and we can explain why we dont do that or maybe your idea really is a good one and we will adopt it. Comments that dont pretain to anthing are unprefuctive and jjust make you sound like a dumbasss. I know alot of people have some really good ideas and everyone has input. There will be a million threads about park design and i encourage you to input seriously if you want to keep parks progressing. The reason parks are here is because they please riders so keeping riders involved only makes sence right? Just post seriouslt and your ideas have a serious likelyhood of being adopted.
  14. u would rater spactate a sports event then ski mammoth? are you nuts? mammoth is so sick right now go there
  15. Ok guys basically I just wanted to know a few things that may make your park experience at bear creek better. Answer these next few questions as you see fitting. All of these questions pertain to how stuff is setup/built. This is not build this rail but more of a i like this rail set up like this or build this jump. Think snow not metal. 1. What is 1 feature at Bear that you want to see again at bear that was there last year? 2. What is 1 feature at Bear that you saw this year that you hated and never want to see again? (not the sliding board/ j rail we know it was bad) 3. What is 1 new feature that you saw somewhere that you think bear could build to make the park better? 4. What sizes of jumps are best for the largest park? The medium park? The family park? 5. Anything else that you want to add that could make bear a better place to ride Thanks guys and hopefully we can implement some of your ideas into next years park and make it even better. Expect great things next year and have fun this summer.
  16. haha a missle hahaha u cant just buy a missle and that would be a blatant rip off of mtn lab and ppl would die on the fins in the front... that thing is the most immpracticle jib item for a mtn terrain park... othere than that one good ideas guys keep um comming
  17. yeah i understand but the water has to go somewhere and to move that much dirt would be mad expensive i bet, its not like u take out a backhoe and move teh water in a day, it would obviousally take much longer
  18. that jump and the 80 footer at mammoth from last year are the definition of perfection in jump building, so perfect its not even fair
  19. swdorsey

    06-07 plans

    the best thing you guys can do is post pics on teh thread the park crew created so we can get even more ideas for next season.. there are alot of good ideas there do keep adding to them
  20. swdorsey

    06-07 plans

    the idea of tubing was brought up but eco terrorists have no relevence to the topic at hand, to the best of my knowlege no eco terrorist groups have complained about teh possibility of a move of tubing. As far as the actual realistic goals of teh park go... ull have to wait and see what happens, but you will be impressed ps to whoever took a shot at NPHS i dont go there i go to LaSalle just so you know for future attempts to rip on me. no hard feelings bro.
  21. swdorsey

    06-07 plans

    i am sorry but where did the eco terrorist comment come from.. that has nothing to do with anything at all there are no ecoterrorists prohibiting tubing from being moved. the deal is were not saying anything until next year so u guys r gonna have to wait to see the progress. sorry if that comes across as dick but thats how its gonna be done as of now so just wait till next december and you shall see the improvements.
  22. swdorsey

    06-07 plans

    i cant wait to see more uninformed posts on here.. KEEP THE RUMORS COMMING KIDS
  23. we built a nice 75 footer but noone hit it and u could get teh speed 4 it... all and all it was a sick comp though
  24. no b/c it would cost way more with the lights... salt should solve speed issues
  25. everyone better go
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