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Everything posted by swdorsey

  1. a jump isnt a jump... trust me- when you hit a shitty one you know
  2. skidude r u trying to sa that bc's jump will be worse than one at Elk? i hope your kidding
  3. everyone go it will be the sweetest thing ever, i promise and its only 5 bucks to hit the best jump ever built in PA
  4. there are lots of problems though papa, justo daid 1 that style is a big part, another is if a kid can do a 5 and he wants to try a 7 in the intermediate catagory what happens, is he DQ'ed because he "overrotated"... there are just to many if ands or buts to put certain tricks into certain ability levels, that is all im saying
  5. papa enter nipples in expert and who cares what other people will go into, if people choose to go into intermediate then let them, were not gonna make "rules" for what tricks should go into what catagory... you know what catagory you should be in so enter there... and whoever asked i work @ bc
  6. actually im 16 and i do have suggestions on how a mountain should be run as do alot of the park users on this board, actuall come to think of it i bet each one of us has more influence on a mountain at our young age than you do so just stop talking, you sound like an idiot
  7. hits will range from 30 to possibly 70+ feet all gong to the same landing... rite now teh jump exceeds 100 feet so snow isnt an issue, the landing is being cut down rite now and the knuckle is going to be cut down as well. rite now the jump is almost higher than teh quad but not to worry, lips will be different sizes for different skill levels and were using hundereds of pounds of salt so speed will be good, i hope everyone comes, this is sure to be one of teh best comps bear has ever put on
  8. its to the rite of the quad its easy to see its so big
  9. skis please !!!!!!
  10. i really need some twin tips so if anyone can spare anything please bring it... please i beg u guys bring me some skis tomorrow
  11. not sharing anything more but someone please bring me some skis tomorrow at blue
  12. nestos is where it is at and if you dont think that well then go somewhere else... nestors service is top notch and they take their time fitting r boots and shit... is not a coincidence that a shop in pa is one of teh best in the us as rated by ski mag... they know their shit and hook u up there big time
  13. its 1 jump not even in the park
  14. nestors is the shit and after reading this i have realized that some people are just dumbasses... not to offend anyone or anything
  15. yo man yeah i should be up on sat. i dont have skis though so idk what im gonna do... hopefull ythe bandits dont have 2 come out... ill be there sat though cya up there and if any1 has skis bring um 4 me
  16. IT WORKED!!!!!!!
  17. next year bear= epic next year blue= i hope epic as well but i have no clue as to their plans... im sure they have some good ideas though put out some ideas and i agree with the above post completely
  18. um were takin all the rails out and disassembling the park so you cant do that
  19. swdorsey


    congrats to jmull representing BC.. he placed 2nd and is going to mammoth b/c of it
  20. swdorsey

    Open In april

    good call there justo caddy what the hell did that mean?
  21. swdorsey


    the park is built now were closing sunday have fun
  22. is that a joke u think blue has good snowmaking
  23. swdorsey


    its happening just chill
  24. pipe is done for the season dont coem for it bc it doesnt exist... scheck teh webcam teh day u want to come and you will know which is better
  25. i love it noone knows what is going on and im not saying a thing hahahaha u will never know
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