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Everything posted by fluffy

  1. fluffy

    Dear Camelback

    I call BS on that YummerzZz. Every single JFBB employee that I asked said that he/she was super excited to not have to work on Christmas. Noone should work on Christmas. Noone wants to even if it does mean snagging an extra forty bucks on the paycheck. Ya it sucks for those of us who would have liked to be able to ride there on Christmas, but honestly I don't blame them for closing.
  2. Here's a thought YummerzZz.....maybe the JF snowmakers are still learning how to properly use the Polecats. They've never had SMI guns there before. There are fine adjustments that can be made to those things. If you are such a snowmaking guru that has been at JFBB making snow since 1992 then why the hell aren't you out there handling all these problems? Omicrons and SMIs need constant attention in marginal temperatures. If they left a gun unattended for two hours then ANY gun might start flowing like a garden hose. For someone who claims to have a long history with JFBB you sure seem to be talking a lot of trash on JFBB. Not to mention trying to hand out 'secrets' of snowmaking to every mountain via PASR. JFBB is kicking every other mountain's ass in snowmaking. No one in the area has as much snow and has been able to sustain the conditions like JFBB. Mad props to their staff for doing a great job especially since they are still fine tuning the new SMI guns.
  3. YummerzZz, do you still work at Boulder? Did you get to help Shawn/Julian make all those sick jibs?? Dude, you should request to be the new park manager or whatever you want to call the position. If you worked with those guys much at all I'm sure you picked up some priceless knowledge.
  4. Hey Syd, did someone from Peak pee in your Cheerios one day? It seems like you have a major axe to grind with those guys.
  5. If you are coming from 903 go past the Big Boulder sign about half a mile. On the right next to the fire station is the best sandwich shop ever. The Country Peddler. It's a general store also so if you need something they probably have it. Their sandwiches and soups are the ticket. If you are lucky you can catch a Buffalo Chicken Wrap on special.
  6. The SMI guns at JFBB are not self-automated. There is no computer system in the maintenance building that controls them all. The snowmakers do in fact hike the mountain day and night individually managing each gun. So the snowmaking crews at both JF and BB deserve huge amounts of praise.
  7. The bounty for catching people without a snopass got increased this year so I don't recommend trying to get away with not having a ticket. Most of the JFBB lifties are great. Some are new, but that is the case every year. The noobs are learning everyday and have shown great improvement over the first week. Aside from beginner lifts, all lifts at JFBB are run at 400 to 550 depending on each lift's particular capability. If you think a lift is running too slow you can ask a lifty to check with the lift manager on speeding it up. That won't guarantee it gets sped up, but it can't hurt you to politely ask.
  8. Big Boulder will be open during the day on Saturdays and Sundays.
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