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Everything posted by bcridr

  1. i guess 32 lashed sounds like the way to go. what shops around bear carry them and can heat mold them for me? i know pinnacle doesnt carry 32's and i dont think i saw em at buckmans last time i was there.
  2. oakely, i was looking at 32 lashed's but i may get them off the internet. I was wondering if they run big or small, or are they pretty true to size. thanks again for your help
  3. I'm looking to buy new boots but have no clue where to start. I ride mostly park but sometimes get to freeride a little. Let me know what boots you guys have had succes with and what you recommend. Thanks for your help
  4. i might be interested in those pants, could you post some pics, thanks
  5. i'm goin to bear creek tomorrow night and i got nobody to sesh w/. if nebody is goin up tues. 1/23 or goes up a lot and wants to ride together sometime pm me asap. i go to bear creek a lot and most of the time by myself cause none of my friends are any good
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