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Everything posted by shopey1080

  1. Whats the deal with Tuesday night fever. The blue website doesnt have much info about it. Also any information about the skier/boarder cross would be great. thanks
  2. a whole month? dam
  3. Blue MT
  4. soo im assuming the park opened today...i wasn't able to make it up...whats the new setup?
  5. any word on what rails will be out and their location?
  6. hey i've been up at killington for the past week, i was wondering how the park at blue has been looking? anything new?
  7. i saw a couple kids hurt themselves on the big jump
  8. there were some rails at the top of sidewinder...fdf...fd..and some other boxes...then there was a nice jump line with 4 jumps followed up by the wall ride...then there was the big booter prob 45 ft or you could go to the left and hit the C rail...after the booter there was a nice little spine...
  9. people were smoking weed at blue???? no way........
  10. Paradise was open today.....i went down it around 11am and the grooming was terrible, death cookies everywhere...tons of people were poaching the lower part of sidewinder park, pretty nice day had a good time
  11. nice...yea hit me up next time your heading up to blue yo...i think ill be there this weekend...over winter break ill be there alot
  12. yea scott is really good with editing and filming...thats what he goes to school for i believe
  13. very nice...wish i was there
  14. its funny, i saw the park crew sitting around smoking cigs today on the side of comearound
  15. i hope soo....is the comearound park gonna be set up?
  16. yea its raining here in philly...hope it stops soon...ill be at blue first thing friday morning
  17. pm me some pics of the dynastars
  18. yea maybe...maybe ill get some for my ass cuz im sure ill be falling alot....anyone have a board?
  19. yea send me a pic...do you have boots? i would like a really good park board if possible....
  20. Hi im a skier, and my girlfriend wants to learn how to snowboard. I know how to snowboard but i havnt done it for years so my old board is way to small so i was hoping to get a used board to go with my girlfriend....I was wondering if anyone had a used snowboard that would work well in the park that they are trying to get rid of....let me know im 5'10" and 160lbs....let me know
  21. shopey1080

    Crash Pads

    So your lil butt pad is gonna protect you from a out of control skier? or from when you run into somone else.....
  22. shopey1080

    Crash Pads

    i am not arguing wearing a helmet whatsoever....helmets have been proven to save lives...where pads have not....but thanks for the salute haha
  23. shopey1080

    Crash Pads

    its a personal choice. I have been skiing for 10 years and have never been hurt once. I stay in good shape and stretch before i go out every time. And no i dont just carve around the mountain...i mainly stay in sidewinder park all day and I am comfortable with every feature that has been in there. I have entered skiercross for the past 4 years with no injury problems. never wearing crash pads once in my life. I just believe there is no need for them here in pa...If you are aware of your body and know how to fall of course you may get a bruise here and there but thats part of the sport of freestyle skiing. Why minimize your accomplishments by taking all the risk away? I ski for the thrill and going in there with a body suit of pads is ridiculous....in my opinion you have to be a pretty big pussy to wear pads at blue mt.....i know all you guys who wear these pads are gonna hate on this haha but its just my opinion sorry
  24. shopey1080

    Crash Pads

    i guess it comes down to if you can handle pain well or not...if you cant handle it too well you should probably get some crash pads...if you can man up and bite your lip for the rest of the day from the bruise you might get from landing awkwardly, you dont need them......also if you like to ski drunk i suggest them haha...or if your a girl you mite want them
  25. shopey1080

    Crash Pads

    dont get crash pads unless your going really big....nothing in PA requires crash pads...if your careful and know what your doing you should be fine...taking a spill here and there is apart of the sport and wearing padding gives you a sense of invincibility....not wearing pads shows confidence in your ability, this is just my opinion...if your scared of getting hurt or if you have any thought that you may get hurt you probably shouldn't be attempting it. be safe, have fun, and knows your limits.....
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