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Everything posted by shopey1080

  1. yea the whole prize thing was bullshit...i got second in mens 18 and over skiers,,,,and walked out with a fucking t-shirt...watever at least i qualified for the event at shawnee
  2. ^my bad i was wrong...but how did all of you guys do in the skiercross/snowboardcross?
  3. what he said^
  4. i hate to disappoint some of you...but sidewinder will be closed to the public sat morning/afternoon for competition...anyone going? i know ill be there
  5. there is a slopestyle comp also...thats wat the website says...sidewinder is gonna be closed to the public sat morning...i be there
  6. anyone wanna join a team?? and win that shit...you have to be good though, im not tryinto lose my money
  7. Ide say good
  8. shopey1080


    if neone wants to carpool up to blue mt some time hit me up
  9. shopey1080


    i go to temple
  10. what features do they have set up?
  11. what exactly do they make you do?
  12. sweeet ill be there...hopefully its better than killingtons slopy fest
  13. wheres the snow?
  14. thats gonna be scratched off in a matter of weeks
  15. yep...thats wat killington.com says ^ which sux cause im gonna be there this weekend with my school
  16. ill be there....hope its cold
  17. shopey1080


    you should get one like bc's
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