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Everything posted by motoxpete

  1. motoxpete

    celcius boots

    Thanks man I've made up my mind. I'm gonna pick them up tomorrow while I'm up there. Thank you for the info tho
  2. motoxpete

    celcius boots

    well it's time for a new pair of boots. I was in mike n matt's the other day getting a boa replaced and I came across the Celcius Cirrus double boa boot. Man those things are sick!!!!! I really want a pair but can't find many reviews on them. Has anyone tryed these boots yet or have any opinions on them?? I'm digging the fact that they make only snowboard boots but not sure because there a fairly new company. Any info would be great
  3. Yo dude how do them ecigs work??? I've been dieing to brake down and buy some to try them.... do they work as good as a cig???
  4. motoxpete


    this is exactly what i do..... it's hard for one lens to do what all 3 of those can. Well in my opinion.
  5. If i'm coming from jf I'll go threw split rock n pay the toll... going strait to bb from the turnpike I deff just avoid the toll and take 80
  6. damn dude that sucks fo sho!!!! I don't think i would have been riding last night without goggles. I really didn't think i would need them but glad i took them with me
  7. i'm heading out now.... be there in 2 hours
  8. lol..... to funny This is very true!!!
  9. I'll carpool Sunday.... my truck's in the shop and live right outside philly right over the BF bridge. I could get dropped off n picked up out there tho. Let me know
  10. I'm going to be there tomorrow for sure. Most likely not till 5 or 6.... I have a 2 hour ride to get there tho....BOOOOOOOOOO!!!! Doesn't really matter to me tho I'm just super stoked to hit some snow. I'll be there Sunday also. I'm wearing a white grenade jacket and dc pants, if anyone see's me say WHATS UP PETE!!!
  11. That's exactly what i want to know.... if anyone goes tonight please fill us in on what trail's have snow. I really find it hard to believe that after blowing all week there is only 1 trail that will be open. Either way i'm going friday and sunday just wanted to know what i was in for.
  12. That's just not right!!
  13. You guy's are hardcore.... but i would have done it too lol. I'm jealous for sure
  14. crapita where are you at in jersey? If were talking about the same fire it wasn't far from were i work. I beleive it started in the tabernachle area. I work at mt holly powersports and could see the smoke from here. I have a pic in my email of the fire over at atsion lake. From the pic it looked pretty bad
  15. dude that would be sick!!! If this was true i would be there fo sho!
  16. lol yeah I saw alot of them sunday when I was there.
  17. sweeet!!! can't wait to hit up jf
  18. yeah I thought it was cool to have some white gear also. Until the first time I fell on a rail. The nice part is you can bleach them but you can bet the pair I buy this year will not be white
  19. hell's yeah I have to give props to boulder for opening this weekend. I was stoked just to get out there and try out the new board. talked to alot of people who came pretty far to ride today. all and all I was surprised I really thought there would be alot more people than there was. The lift line's weren't as long as I thought they would be. Was a very good day.
  20. I'll be there
  21. hey what's up guys. I was wondering if anyone has any opinions on the rome headroom. I just bought the board last week, what I've read online it seem's to be perfect for me. I would like to hear some personal opinions. this is only like my 3rd year hardcore boardin and I ride the mountain mostly but this year i want to start hitting some rail's and really want to learn to ride switch. anyway if anyone out there has rode one or know's someone who rode one please fill me in on your thought's on the board. thank's Pete
  22. I'll be up there saturday night for the first time....red burton jacket and white fox pant's...would love someone to ride wit
  23. I'll be up there all day sunday!!!! sno saturday night and jf first thing sunday then up to bb for the night time....then a long ride home
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