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Everything posted by motoxpete

  1. well I'm not asking you to feel bad for me.....I already said I should have or could have....I'm am pretty new to bb and didn't know check was free..and I can barly afford gas and a twilight ticket....pappasteve I'm not askin for your pitty just tryin to warn some people cause it sux when you go to finish you day and your shit is gone....and who know's when I'll have the money for another one....even though YOU don't feel bad I would still feel bad If I saw your son go for his ski and it was gone.Sorry havn't been doing this shit all my life like almighty pappa..!
  2. that was my board on the far right
  3. My board got stolen friday night from BB....sux...yeah I should of checked if but I just put it next to the 30 other board's as I went in for a drink. Yeah I learned a lesson.....but I would like to teach the punk's that took my shit a bigger one. You can be sure I'll be checking my shit in for now on.
  4. yeah man I saw what you said in another post and I hear ya about us being out having a good time and shouldn't have to worry about some punk ass kid's taking our shit...just messed up...couldn't think about taking someone's shit and leaving them high and dry. anyway it was a yellow and gray atlantis snowboard 157 with size L burton freestyle bindings with a red dragon sticker and camo fox racing sticker thank's again
  5. yeah I know I proly should have locked it or checked it....I was just going it to get a drink..plus I didn't think my board would high on the theft list...well like steve said some people are scumbag's and there ain't shit you can do about.....unless I catch them
  6. My snowboard.........whoever stole it tonight at bb!! Pretty messed up wasn't even that great of a board but I liked it.....only rode it 3 times and I don't have the money for another one.Thank's
  7. I have burton freestyle binding's witch are pretty adjustable.....I tryed them 15/-9 last time out and liked it...think I mite make my stance alittle wider next time out....and alway's bring a tool but never really use it....thanx for the info guy's will still be playing with it.
  8. thanx alot guys I'm on my way to the mountain right now I'll try a slite duck stance see how that work's...I'll let ya know how it turns out.
  9. I'm pretty new to the park but that's pretty much what I want to ride....If I'm looking to be doing mostly park stuff how should I set up my bindings...or how do some of you set up yours? also for rideing switch is there a way I should run my bindings?? any info is helpfull thanx.
  10. were you there last saturday...? I saw a guy with a beard and thought he was ryan dunn....lol I'm new to the site and new to the park so if you see a juy in white fox pant's and red burton jacket bustin his ass it's me...and don't be afraid to give me some pointers
  11. Pete Prentice
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