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Everything posted by gerhard

  1. yo danger my younger sister has tubed at bear like twice and had a blast(and she is in her teens) i doubt spring mountains was as long as bears or had those little bumps?? maybe, maybe not i'd do it for a good time w/ the crew
  2. dammit ur right...terd
  3. yea i know this is over like two years away to complete but how about opening up the back part of the mountain too, or make bear bigger so blue doesnt have the excuse "well our mountains bigger" cuz they know bear is the shiznat around these parts
  4. i like the idea and really wouldnt mind the compensation but its just not fair so no
  5. stop bitching, i mostly ride park but if they didnt open the park i wouldnt be pissed i drove up yesterday and made a snowball i had tears of joy in my eye snow alone makes me happy but when you put snow+hill+board=one very happy person if you ride or ski be happy you finally have an oppurtunity to do so after the shitty start to the season so whoot whoot
  6. gerhard


    i'm not even bummed it all melted right away im just happy i saw snow
  7. gerhard


    i'm sitting in school right now and its snowing and actually sticking to the ground whoot whoot
  8. whoot whoot i love bear blue has a longer park thats the only thing i like more about blue besides that i love BIG OL' BC with a passion its where its at and anyway all the cool kids ride at bear duh haha
  9. gerhard


    they're owned by southern management and they're loaded dumbass even if they were going bankrupt S.M. would fix it up real fast they have like 636947464947 dollars jerk off
  10. not as gay as the one last year, lots of park stuff, but it has blues gay ass jingle so yea
  11. yo its big gers anybody going up on new years day to ride?? stevey duestch and i should be up early, lemme know if u wana ride
  12. just to let you know bears been blowing...not snow massive global warming i hate winter cock fucking global warming SHIT
  13. yea the season pass prices and then no snow makes anybody who rides/skis an unhappy camper so why dont you shut your lips
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