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About anthony

  • Birthday 08/18/1983

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  • Equipment
    ride fleetwood
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  • Location
    west chester

anthony's Achievements

Pizza Wedge

Pizza Wedge (2/10)

  1. Where are you SpecialK?? Let's do Sunday
  2. great idea dude, great idea. I think we all agree that the people who sit right in the way should be dragged down the mountain, then dragged down the road by a car. That might teach the lesson.
  3. hahaa, yeah. saw that tree yesterday. that n00b tree.. ladies keep tossing your goodies in that tree!
  4. Looks like I'm heading there this sat, 1/27. Hope the new pipe is open and ready. SpecialK and I, with some friends, are gonna be up at the poconos this weekend. First whole weekend without rain!! woo woo! should be a good time
  5. I'll be up at the poconos this weekend, looks like Camelback saturday and JFBB sunday. Is CB's pipe going to be open? I saw they are blowing snow on it.
  6. yeah, that's because they were the only mountain open, hahaa. They did it right with their snow making the beginning of this season. Yeah JFBB is pretty sweet. I like how you can switch between JF and BB. Can't wait till all mountains are open though, let's see what they all have to offer.
  7. I agree. I snowboard, but i love doing long trails. Moguls are a lot of fun too. This season just went right to terrain parks. I like all, parks and trails, but i hope regular longer trails stay in style. The mountain should still appeal to everyone.
  8. Back to the topic, I'll be there at JF that morning. Someone think of a meeting spot..
  9. yeah, even with the rain it was still pretty sweet. As the night progressed, it became less crowded. I think it's rained every time i've snowboarded so far.. thank god for this new temp drop, it's about time. I can't wait to finally hit the mountain and not worry about a soggy boot afterwards.
  10. Amazing Great Photos
  11. So you'll be wearing the bright pink jacket, pants, and even a matching board. Don't tell me.. pink flower fingernails too?? haha
  12. Man, if the don't want you to speed, are they going to pass out wrist speedometers or something?? Or are they going to just have rangers standing there yelling for people to "SLOW DOWN!" They could have a big police radar speedometer i guess. That displays your speed when you go past. If this is for real, what a joke. They better just post rangers at the merge points on the trails, signs are always a good thing too.
  13. alright, gotcha. none the less.. they will still be the first to open all trails, i'm sure.
  14. Sounds great dude, so this weekend most of it should be open now, awesome. JFBB has been so smart about when to blow snow, that's why they've been open and everyone else isn't, hahaa. I'll be there Sunday. good news!
  15. If you like going to Canada, and you've already been to Tremblant, try looking over Whistler/Blackcomb. That is where I'm going for my next trip to Can-din-adia! It's right near Vancouver. Their website is pretty sick too, lots of photos. Vids from the parks too. Two giant mountians. Might be a little costly, but worth it. Nintendo sponsers one of the parks, pretty sweet. As for trails, wow. Amazing
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