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  • Equipment
    '08 Burton Fish, 159 Oxygen Alpine Racing Board
  • Sport
    Skier & Snowboarder
  • Home Mountain
    Bear Creek

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Pizza Wedge

Pizza Wedge (2/10)

  1. Not quite sure i know what you mean by all of this mumbo-jumbo.... i have dealt with the guys in the shop many times throughout the years and i have gotten nothing but stand-up service...... the deal with the file..... they probably don't want the responsibility on their shoulders for you ruining your edges with their file...not that it matters, im sure mommy and daddy will buy you a new board....... if you would take care of your equipment you wouldn't have to worry about your straps falling off..... hmmm tighten before you ride.... and if you needed a new strap find a flux dealer... they don't always have time to do custom parts..... i have gone in there time and time again equipment lined up against the wall..... all i can say is keep up the good work guys...cheapest prices and fastest turn around time.....
  2. I can vouch for these items. This fella takes great care of his stuff!!
  3. if you want, send me your e-mail and ill send you some better pics. I uploaded normal sized pics and the site shrunk them on me.
  4. I didn't have time to do any mods or else there would be. The ski is turn key and runs amazing. I start it up once a week just to check on it.
  5. Hey everyone, well i have a 1992 Kawasaki 650 SX up for sale. I am moving to Colorado to go to school and i cant exactly take it with me. So unfortunately i have to let it go. This ski is in amazing condition. I am the second owner. The original owner was a good friend of mine and never got to ride it because he had a kid. My dad bought it and then realized that his torn rotator cuffs could not handle the stand up. So now i have it. I got to use it about 5 times this summer then i got the call to leave for CO. The ski is in amazing condition for a 1992. There is no wear on the tray foam at all. A couple scratches in the hull from truck transport but that
  6. This is just in addition to my previous post but i am selling bindings with the skis. the bindings are look p10. My new price is $200 /obo. Thank you, feel free to ask any questions. http://www.paskiandride.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=10120
  7. sorry darkside i replied to your last post under my friends name on accident.
  8. how about they turn the box 180 degrees so that you hit the lower part first then pop up to the higher portion. Seems like it would be fun when i invision it. anyone yay/nay?
  9. I wish i did. But no i do not. If you can find any look or rossignal bindings i can mount them up for you at my shop.
  10. I have a pair 158 Line Skogan sprang's in excellent condition. The top sheet has a few chips here and there but they were all sealed with epoxy. Base and edges are in great condition. I work in tune shop so my gear is always taken care of. Feel free to ask any questions. I dont have any pics yet but i can if someone is interested. The skis are at Bear Creeks tune shop so feel free to stop in and take a look. I am asking $150 /obo for them. Thanks.
  11. I have a pair of Fischer RC4's up for grabs. They com with Tyrolia SLD11 Bindings. dimensions : 123/66/102. They have a turning radius of 10m. Great for slalom skiing or NASTAR!!! asking $400 for them. I rode these skis 3 times. You can visit these skis at Bear Creek Tune Shop.
  12. what does it matter if they came out and scanned you. Its not like you can only take so many runs a night. If they really want to, they can come in the lodge and scan my pass while im eating. Life's good buddy, no worries.
  13. Although i know its a long shot. Would you be interested in trading the K2 for an Ibanez GAX70 guitar? I really want the board but cash is tight right now. IF not its cool i understand. Thanks.
  14. Sure i don't mind. i have a pretty tight schedule so find time and a meeting place might be an issue,but i'm sure we could work something out.
  15. I am looking to get $150/obo for the guitar. If anyone is interested please feel free to make an offer. The guitar also comes with a soft case.
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