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Everything posted by rideordie7

  1. This post is to give credit where credit's do. Way to back up a lackluster vid with a banger!!! I'm sure the riding helps (which was sick) but your cinematography has gotten better with each vid. Keep it up!! Maybe next year you can get a ride in the medi-vac heli...haha
  2. I just got back from Stowe. Used the Transworld Snowboarding 3 day-$90 coupon. It worked out nice because we were only planning on going Fri-Sat, but we're able to get an hour in on Thurs because of it. They have a ton of snow everywehere. It snowed 6 inches Wed night and a coating on Friday. There were powder stashes in the trees and we spent alot of time in there. Friday was bluebird skies all day. The snow was fast up until about 2:30 and then it slowed a bit from the sun. Saturday was overcast and foggy at the top. The snow was still fast on trail and in the trees. The untouched snow on the edges of the trails was grabby. Have fun. That was my first time there and it was everything I expected and more.
  3. Park passes. Must watch a smartstyle video. I can't stand these people hanging out in the park when they shouldn't be. Half Fast Skier is a prime example. It's not these stupid people that get hurt, it's the person that knows and takes proper precautions that ends up gettin their clock cleaned.
  4. Wow, glad I decided to work today. Hopefully most of those people will be too drunk to make the trek over to Boulder tonight. Drivin up after work to get my shred on in the snow. Be there around 7.
  5. Yeah, I'm part of the over 30 crew still livin the dream. We used to have a nice crew, but now that has dwindled to anywhere from 2-4. Life is seriously getting in the way of my snowboarding
  6. Honestly, though I'm sure your not used to the crowds, the weekends aren't half bad. Especially if you get there early. Last weekend was the worst I've seen it to date. The lines, especially on East, are minimal on ALOT of weekends IMO. ON another note, this looks like my last weekend at JFBB for this season. I have a bachelor party next weekend and then a trip to Stowe the following. I'm expecting JFBB to be open after that, but me and my wife have a bun in the oven and she is taking control of my weekends after Stowe to get the house baby ready. I will try to finagle(sp?) a day, but it's not looking to good. I will be at BB on friday night and JF or BB (not sure yet) on Sat.
  7. Got to Frost at about 9AM. Validated my season pass and did the first run down One Park. The setup was nice and definitely better than my last visit 2 weeks ago. I was digging the flat rail setup next to the first jump. Made my way over to East Mountain via Exhibition, T-Bolt and Challenge. All were in great midseason condition. I hit up T-Bolt glade. Was goin nice until boom-boom-boom! Just started hittin the rocks. Not deep enough. Got out as quickly as possible. When I got to East, disappointed to see only one lift accessible. The other lift was running, but no one manning it. Damn whoever didn't show up for work. Floyds was decent with loose granular and some noticeable icy spots. I lasted 2 runs and then got out of there due to the long a$$ lift line. I went straight to One Park. Did about 3 runs and then decided there were too many gapers and headed over to BB to satisfy my park jones. I was figurin there would be a lot of people at the KOP Buckman's rail jam. And I was right. The parks were not busy at all! First run was through Love Park. Hit the first rail and then took the second in the gut for quite the bone rattle. Took a few minutes to compose myself and finished the run. Next few runs were in Freedom. I enjoy the setup there. It flows just right for non stop top to bottom runs (which I prefer). Eventually made it to Boulder Park. I usually hit the first jump. But I was flyin solo today, so I figured I better not in case something went wrong. I hit snow drift a couple times (gonna get to the top of that wall ride by the end of the seson), as well as the Plaza. I finished the day with a couple fun runs down bunny's elbow and one last run through Love. Overall, it was a good day. But this was definitely the worst lift lines of the year IMO.
  8. I definitely think the lodges need an overhaul. They did a good job with Boulder Lodge, but a new or seriously updated main lodge at both mountains would be a nice addition. PARK PASS(MUST WATCH SMARTSTYLE VIDEO AT FROST FOR ONE PARK AND AT BOULDER FOR WIDOW AND BOULDER PARKS. It's getting way too dangerous for everyone.
  9. I was there last Saturday and the jumps are small to medium. Poorly constructed landing though.
  10. If you mean killin it, as in almost killin myself, your right on. Haha. Good ridin with ya!! The conditions were top notch today. But I did have some issues with One Park. The 1st and 2nd jumps' flats need have a little less of a lip before the landing.
  11. Sweet. My name's Dominic and that's me in the pic.
  12. I'm gonna be up at Frost tomorrow morning if anyone wants to meet up for some turns. I'll be all over the mountain, but mostly in the park. Should be in the lot around 10:30.
  13. Appreciate the offer, but we found em at a couple 7-11s and a rogue board shop. BTW, I don't like reading Snowboarder when they're talkin about the season bein over. March issue should come out March 1
  14. A couple of my boyz were able to dig 5 issues up at various locations. Thanks for hittin me back.
  15. Or if anyone knows of any shops that still carry January's issue
  16. I have a group of people going to Stowe in mid-march for my buddy's bachelor party. Some of you may know about the Stowe ad in the January issue of Transworld for a 3-day lift ticket for $90. I have one. But the rest of my party do not. There are 6 of us going. I was wondering if anyone had that issue laying around and would be willing to part with that page if they weren't going to use it. I'm hoping to get at lease 1 for the bachelor. I'm at JFBB most weekends and can meet up for it.
  17. I stopped yelling a few years ago. I just tell them they can't be cutting across the backsides of jumps and that if I didn't see them, the heli wold be coming for them.
  18. I hit Floyd's yesterday as my last freeride run of the day (2PM). It was the b-b-b-b-bomb. Bumped up in the beginning, then just soft snow the rest of the way. I took the lift up with a ski patroller and he said the this is the best Floyd's will get and that it only looked like this once last year. I was hearing good things about it from different people all day, but I was with a decent size crew and didn't get to it til later in the day. Gapers-please DO NOT ski/board across the backside of jumps. It's a LANDING, not a DROP IN!! Almost killed 2 people today cause they don't know Smartstyle.
  19. I'll give some love to love park. Me and my boy rode it a ton last friday. We did about 10 runs down it and hit everything but the ledge. IMO -didn't like the straight setup. My boy was spinnin 3's off the first jump and we were both skyin the 2nd. Good size jumps for our level of ridin. Freedom's jumps are way small and the first jump on Boulder is sweet. I hear ya that love gets a little icy cause of no sun. We enjoyed it that day, but I do think some stuff needs to be added. Can't wait to see the new setup, but it might have to wait til next week. Ridin Frost tomorrow.
  20. January 11th. I will be there with a few peeps.
  21. I talked to a patroller yesterday and he said JFBB has an open policy. You can go wherever you want. Even on closed trails, as long as the groomers aren't out!! I saw another thread where someone was stopped by a patroller about skiin in the woods. Yeah, well, your allowed. Where the hell did this trail map come from? My buddy and I were talking about that halfpipe last weekend. It was a nice one!!
  22. I will fully back you up on this. We got to the mountain at around 9. Did a few runs down Jane's Lane to start the day off. Then headed over to the park and was impressed with they're setup. I wasn't too fond of the jumps though. But that was the only black mark for me. We spent most of the morning carving the quality snow and going in n out of the trees. The coverage was just unreal for day 1. Thunderbolt was in the best shape of the last 7 years I've been there!
  23. I will be at Frost in the morning for the early pow.
  24. They were blowin on Bunny's elbow, Tannenbaum and Upper Sitzmark. Bunny and Tannenbaum looked close to being open. I would say that if it stays cold like its suppose to, they should be close to 100% by next weekend.
  25. Well let me start by saying I read almost every post but don't chime in too much. Gonna try to put an end to that so I don't have too many trips like I had today....alone. It was slated for at least 3 of us to head to my buddy's house last night and ride today. I bartend on Saturday nights in Philly, so that is pretty much my routine week in and week out. Well, my buddy and his fiance didn't think the trip was worth it because of the amount of terrain open and they were also leaving on Saturday night (not liking this lack of commitment). I decided last night that the hell with them, I am itchin for my first turns of the season, and I'm makin the trip from South Jerzey early in the AM. I got to Boulder around 10 and still needed to get my season pass. The line at Guest Services was out the wazoo. I didn't mind because I am somewhat patient, but then I found out people were in this line just for day passes. Aight!! More patience. Then some lady announced that there are more ticket windows up the steps and the line got much shorter. I got my pass relatively quick and headed up Merry Widow lift (NO LINE) and headed down LOVE Park. I didn't hit anything cause, well, it is the first day since April (Heavenly Trip). I'll skip the setups because they are all listed on Boulder Park's website. I got a couple runs down here then headed over to Boulder Park for a few runs. The snow had a nice consistency and carving was easy with my 4 year old Lib Tech with no edges(I'm still waiting for my new board to arrive). After getting my legs back I headed over to Freedom Park. I did about 7 runs down Freedom and at that point got sick of waiting because the crowd was starting to roll in. All in all, the snow was nice, the lift lines non existent and I got my boarding legs back. Rode from about 10:30 -12:30.
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