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About sarasnow16

  • Birthday 05/18/1987

Previous Fields

  • Equipment
    Board Ride Fever Binding Ride Sigma
  • Sport
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  • Home Mountain
    Big Boulder Park

Contact Methods

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Profile Information

  • Location
    (Home)Hazleton PA (School) East Sroudsburg
  • Interests
    Snowboarding<br />Kayaking <br />Soccer<br />Rugby

sarasnow16's Achievements

Making Turns

Making Turns (3/10)

  1. I went there today and someone ask if their were going to make snow and the lady in the office said No because they have enough snow. But that is definitely not the cases there were bear spot and thin area every were.
  2. I be a Bouder on sat Frost on sun for the party can't pass up free food
  3. I have next years pass and i get to go. I would just call frost i know last year I called late and they let me go. It alot of fun they also have a fun little race.
  4. Is it going on now or is there a date when it starts. I went there all the time after boulder closed during the week going to be doing the same thing this year
  5. I just got home from riding there the condition were not bad at all some spot were a little scarped off but you could get an edge in.
  6. Thank God they did this again. I got injury before the season started and never got a pass. At less with this i could ride the rest of this season and have a good amount of time on the slopes. Can't wait to ride this weekend for the first time in 3 months.
  7. when to the dr and they said im out for 3 months which sucks but the rail jam was a lot of fun thanks
  8. no i did it at the roundtop rail jam during the last 5 min of the finals.
  9. i don't mind this hot weather. I mess up my knee at a rail jam this weekend so the more time not riding the better. hopefully i not out for the season
  10. is there going to be a women category
  11. Just looked at jfbb web site and see this from the site I hear there is snow in PA............10.28.08 | By jessica I hear that the Poconos is getting dumped on. Too bad I have Ian here in VT with me. Hmm.....Should I send him back tomorrow with park builder extrodinaire John???? Wouldn't it be nice to have The Plaza open? If you want Ian home email boulderpark@jfbb.com Jessica
  12. Here in stroudsburg we getting a mix of rain and snow but in Hazleton they got 8in
  13. hey do you have photos of it
  14. one of the companys that i send my promo to as if i could send them a snowboarding resume to. I know that you need to put in contest results but i just want to see what else i need for it
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