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Everything posted by stever2003

  1. ya, we're supposed to be WARMING the globe, not cooling it. COME ON!
  2. If one weekend they put snow in the parking lot they would probably call that a trail too.
  3. Ya, this move isnt so much about going green, it's about blue mt saving money in the long run. going green is just a perk that comes with the deal, and they can use it to promote this wind turbine. However, i'm sure installing a wind turbine would be nowhere near the top of their list of things to do if it didnt have significant financial benefits in the future.
  4. That's right, Nightmare enters right next to razors edge, but is just a short steep down to where it intersects with Paradise and Dreamweaver. Dream Weaver begins at the Paradise's second turn and re-enters Paradise at Paradise's last turn. Didn't you take the quad at all this year?
  5. ** from the quad
  6. ya, for the first 20 feet. The black diamond part of it is only gonna be at the top, it dumps into that wide open clearing that you can see from the 6pack.
  7. ah, good call. ya someone else who worked at blue did say that the top of the new trail was going to be listed as a black diamond, and the remainder of the trail (beginning from the entrance off of Paradise) would be listed intermediate.
  8. On the website during 06-07 they posted (under what's new) that the new trail would be completed for 07-08. On the website for 07-08 they posted that there were two new trails under construction for completion in 08-09. One of these was is the real new trail, and as we all know, the other is just the POS snowboarding school hill to skier's right of the quad. with the source ftw: http://web.archive.org/web/20070101174031/...n/features_html
  9. dude those are 70 miles apart sure you dont mean JF and BB?
  10. i understand the base an the edges...what do you mean by noodly? also, nobody answered this question: if i buy bindings for this board, will i be able to transfer them to another board in a year or two?
  11. Camelback is selling their used gear. My friend and I are interested in picking up snowboards...they're $25 without bindings. We figure for $25, even if it's not a spectacular board it's not like we broke the bank for a POS board. If I get this board and buy bindings for it later, can I transfer those bindings over to another board if I purchase a better one in a year or two? If anyone's interested they have ski packages for $50 (youth sized skis) and $75 (regular sized skis) with bindings and boots.
  12. I'll be there in the afternoon...probably getting there for the 3pm to 7pm deal.
  13. doesn't this belong in the Camelback forum?
  14. sweet vid speedo ma...i mean derek
  15. How about if I have a picture ID from any nation in the world? I'll definitely make the trip, and I'll prolly spend a few dollars in the bar so you guys get something out of it. otherwise i'll stick to blue elk or sno.
  16. last two years i just showed up and picked one up off the floor or parking lot, or asked people for them in the parking lot.
  17. Watch for some kid getting loaded onto the helicopter on a cloudy day, and then they'll show the chopper taking off when it's real sunny
  18. Taking your kid skiing while she's out sick from school...that's sweet.
  19. Every year around this time my grandparents assume i'm done skiing for the season because it's march, and every year i try to tell them that there's still the rest of the month to ski. they might have been right, but my knee being hurt still will probably be what's keeping me off the snow for the remainder of the season.
  20. Still, he could have been a beginner. I help run a group at Drexel U that does outdoor trips...we did two trips to Blue this winter. Both times, kids got hurt because they went on trails they didn't belong on. In January one kid broke his neck, i think it might have been his first time on skis and he decided he was ready to kill the park. In Feb a kid went down a trail he couldn't handle and fell pretty bad...was walking but said he was gonna get his back xrayed at the ski patrol's recommendation. People need to understand their limits when theyre skiing. Beginners don't belong in the park, or on diamonds until they can handle themselves on the easy trails. Head protection is also a great idea...I only bought a helmet three trips ago but I think it was wise to spend the $80. Accidents do happen, but there's plenty that can be done to prevent them sometimes.
  21. Def get them next time you see them up. Last year I held out on buying the Reef Fannings in March...didn't see them again until August or September. The fannings are real comfortable, the drams are built the same way. Honestly, I'd go for the fanning if you're looking to wear these all over the place. The flask on the dram is discrete but someone who knows what to look for is sure to catch it. i'm sure i could get them into a baseball game, but who knows if someone will catch them?
  22. I just got a shipment from steepandcheap.com, and in it was a flier advertising all skiing deals all day long on SteepAndCheap.com all snowboarding deals all day long on WhiskeyMilitia.com on Wednesday, February 27. Enjoy! Btw, my shipment was the Reef Dram flip flops...the ones with the built in flask.
  23. I'll agree. I primarily like hoppy or dark craft brews, but I still love Miller Lite. It's best on tap, also good in the bottle. And every once in a while (including last night) I'll enjoy a miller lite 40 oz. I also enjoy Pabst Blue Ribbon. Please don't argue with me on this one, it was chosen as america's best beer in 1893. I'm pretty sure I'll be enjoying Pabst tonight.
  24. stever2003


    Don't forget, if you have a student ID you'll get $10 off your ticket on Friday (or any weekday, for that matter).
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