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Everything posted by stever2003

  1. stever2003


    Thanks for the tips everyone. I didn't get to work on them since my first attempt...I'm gonna spend some time this weekend figuring it out. I'll let you know how I make out. In my kit I got a large red edge stone and a small grey gummi. It sounds like the gummi is for deburring or detuning the edges. What exactly is the edge stone for...how/when do I use it?
  2. My friend Ry and I purchased Blue Blizzard cards last season before I realized that they even had a student discount. The student discount last year was for an all day pass (not even just an 8 hour session), and was $36 on weekends, $34 on weekdays. This year it's $10 off any regular ticket and weekdays only. Anyway, since Blue won't honor the student discount during the holiday week, I told Ry I was gonna try to use my Blizzard card. The card has no year on it and no expiration date. In fact, is has no dating on it whatsoever. I was worried that it wouldn't be accepted since I purchased it for last season, but figured I'd start by getting in line for one of the younger ticket window girls, and if I was rejected argue that there's no season or expiration date on the card. To my surprise, they accepted it without much trouble. The only trouble was that the girl had never heard of it and didn't know how to enter it into the computer. Another teller explained it to her and showed her the code to type in off their ticket code sheet and I was set with my $9 discount. Ry and I were angry that we bought the cards last year since we didn't even use them. I'm glad now that I did get to use it at least once (though for it to pay off you need to use it 4 times) and it will definitely come in handy if I'm skiing on a weekend this year. When the one girl explained it to the teller that I went to, she made it sound like you buy the card once and can use it for multiple seasons. Her explanation of it was similar to what I was gonna argue since there are absolutely no dates on the card. Anyway, I posted this so that anyone who has purchased a Blue Blizzard card or was thinking about getting one knew more about it. I bought it last year not knowing much about it and ended up not using it. This was a success story and hopefully other people can benefit from this info. (Separate post for this since some people might be interested in this information outside of my TR for tonight.)
  3. Hey, I know what they said, but I know what I saw. I went down Challenge 4 times. I had no problems with it, and I can't agree with what most of those guys said. Notice that most of their posts are from before the early afternoon...I was there from 6-10...maybe conditions improved. Doug, on Wednesday you said to post a TR from my trip to BB. Wed was my first time at BB in about 5-6 years. After skiing places like Blue/Elk/Sno, I really forgot how small it is. I stuck with my one friend who needed help with his skiing since I wanted to get him ready for our trip to Killington next week...so I was on the bunny hills all night. But I stole off to do a speed run or two down draufganger and another trail, and they were over in about 30 seconds. I was so disappointed...I'm glad the ticket was only $10 or I would have felt pretty ripped off. I'll still maintain that it's not a bad place to learn to ski, and I respect what they're trying to do with the terrain park. However, I can barely consider it a real mountain for skiing. I was so disappointed I didn't even feel like posting anything about it when I got home. I know that the limitations of skiing at BB are well known, but I completely forgot how severe it was. I hope I don't need to return there any time soon. I don't think I'll even feel like making the trip up even if the tickets were free, unless I were gonna be teaching somebody how to ski. (I know this is the Blue forum but I'm just responding to something that originated in the Blue forum, so don't give me shit for it).
  4. Got back from Blue a lil while ago. We arrived there around 6pm, first took the 6 pack all night plus 2 quads, and the main street double to get back to the lodge around closing time. It was really nice at first...the snow was kinda wet but not too heavy, it was easy to carve in. We started down Burma and then did a few runs on Paradise and Lazy since we had one of our friends who doesn't ski often with us...he fared well on snowblades. Then Ry and I hit Challenge twice and we actually thought it was the best run on the mountain. I told him about Atomic Jeff hurting himself and mentioned the watermelon sized divots that you guys reported, but we didn't see anything like that. The only thing dangerous I found going down Challenge tonight was my poor form as a result of my knee still hurting from my meniscus problem or whatever I've got (plus I haven't had a chance to fix up my edges, I had some trouble digging into the snow...I believe this also contributed to my poor form). I kept an eye out for potholes on the first run down Challenge, but after that I didn't think we'd find any problems. Rain started around 8:30ish...Wasn't too hard at first. It softened up the snow, and the next 1 or 2 times I went down Challenge I could actually dig into the snow a little. Did another run down Burma since I didn't wanna make my snowblading friend make that trip alone. After a few runs, the rain really picked up and by that time it had been soaking into my clothes for a while. Ry and I stayed out till close, squeezed in a few more runs, but we both agreed after a last run down Lazy that the snow was getting pretty heavy and it was time to call it a night. All in all it was a decent night. We'd been tracking the weather and knew it was gonna rain later in the evening so at least it didn't catch us by surprise. One note about the drive home...from being cold and wet I got pretty tired, I started to fall asleep at the wheel on the drive down the turnpike. I pulled over after a short while, and I asked my friend john to take over since he was the only one of three of us in the car who took the whole week off from work, got more than 4-6 hours of sleep last night, and slept till noon. Ryan and I both went into work today, and Ry only had 4 hours and preferred that john drive. John wouldn't take the wheel for me, saying that I shouldn't have driven if I was gonna get too tired, and he insisted that I continue driving myself even though I was falling asleep because it was my fault. What a fucking idiot.
  5. stever2003


    how about my general issues with edging? is the lack of sharpness due to the 90 deg angle?
  6. stever2003


    I got my kit from Dr. D yesterday for Christmas. I worked on my skis for a little while yesterday. I am curious about the edging because i'm not sure that I did it properly. I had the file set for the proper direction in the file guide (I have the multi-tool from the deluxe kit). I went over the base and side edges with the file, and then with a diamond stone. However, when I run my fingernail across the edges they do not seem sharp. I only did one or two passes each with the file and diamond stone. I used short back and forth strokes as Dr. D's tips instructed. I went with a 0 degree angle on both edges. Two more questions: 1. Should the file/stone be set completely in the multitool, or should i have just enough sticking out so that the file/stone only touches the edge? It looks like i should set it completely in there but I worry about damaging my base by doing so. 2. As I said above I used 0 degree angles on both edges. I typically ski at Blue or in the Poconos, and I'll be making a trip to Killington in a week. I know the angles are based on personal preference and ability, but what would you suggest for the conditions that I expect to ski. I've been skiing for 11 years and am comfortable on most terrain.
  7. Merry Christmas and/or Happy Holidays to all. Let's not forget to have a Happy Winter Solstice as well (though it's a few days past).
  8. well then, one could administer his own morphine.
  9. Ticket Pricing page shows college pricing every day of the week....about $10 off normal pricing. Keeps me happy for this year.
  10. on the drugs issue...if you carry your own morphine and other meds, ski patrol could administer that right? that would be pretty hardcore.
  11. sorry to hear dude...get well soon.
  12. no, just clear your cache and try it again. http://support.lexis-nexis.com/lexiscom/re...icleID=wg_cache oh, and they should put vert AND linear feet for each trail. that would be sweet.
  13. Exactly what tom said. If you get trained by the Red Cross and get a certification, you're covered by the Good Samaritan laws against getting sued if you administer first aid or CPR or other life saving services (as long as your cert covers your services). I'm certified for the AEDand basic CPR. In all honesty, I feel that my training courses could have been more in depth for CPR (it was only 2 hours long), but having been certified a few times in the past in CPR, I feel a little better about it. We worked on the AED for about 30 minutes and I felt that was adequate...the devices pretty much walk you through it, you just have to be somewhat competent and understand what you're doing.
  14. The wind is blowing like a motherfucker down here in philly...
  15. Last night I was christmas shopping and on my way back to my car I was thinking about what i'd do if i saw someone digging around in my trunk while i came back to it. I'd probably walk near the car but look as if i was gonna just walk past, and then either ask them for the time and try to catch them off guard, or just begin beating the shit out of them when they're not looking. If it ever happened definitely enjoy kicking someone's ass and then dragging them over to the store to ask someone to call the cops. sorry to hear about your gear man. As adrian said, they'll get theirs.
  16. How the hell did they get the snowboards into the resorts? I saw them digging them out of the woods, but how'd they get them there in the first place without being seen?
  17. Thanks man. I read the same stuff on racewax.com and ski also stressed it. I'm all for properly caring for my skis once i have the tools (which i should, in a day or two).
  18. Just got back from the night session. Got to Blue just before 5, on the slopes just after 5. Snow was nice, the storms of earlier had passed, and heading up was definitely a good idea. We hit every run there. Everything had some sugar on the sides but was kinda skied off in the middle. The wind really picked up at the end, was blowing the main street lift around on the trip back to the top lodge. I ran into a friend who'd been there since earlier, he said everything cleared up in the afternoon and everything was great after 4, so it was a decent night for anyone who got out.
  19. my friend changed his mind, we went up, it was great. 4 solid hours, little precipitation, decent snow, not much ice, and a bit of wind toward the end.
  20. we're not going. i'm a little bummed, i'd ski it no matter what, but i guess we'll just wait for better conditions.
  21. Can you let me know how things are looking around 2pm, we're gonna make our decision to drive up then.
  22. I woke up around 11. It wasn't raining then, but it seems like it's drizzling now. I'd been planning on doing a night session at Blue tonight...As long as it isn't raining up there I'm still down. Weather.com says snow up there for tonight...but what's happening up there right now?
  23. How old are you and the group that you were hoping to rent with?
  24. planning on coming up sunday with a few people. Initially I was gonna do the night session, but with these snowstorms the noon to night session is looking pretty nice. What do you think? (please consider we gotta drive from Philly, and pay for lift tickets).
  25. JF is a lot smaller than Blue. Plus, Blue has over 400 more vertical feet than JF, much longer runs, and two high speed lifts....that's less time sitting, more time skiing.
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