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I'm the first to admit that if I was drunk enough and saw them...
Although, Rob, it can be added that CB does have some great people, too. But just like umpires and referees, you only notice the bad ones. Are you suggesting a DaveK day? Hmmmmm...
Missed it...I'll go check it out for sure!
Hey, TP4! Home? Ready for school?
Did you know Aunty Anne's has a dancing pretzel chick? It's hard to tell if she's hot 'cause she's in a pretzel costume, but a guy asked her if he could eat her. I think he meant it in a bad way and she ran back into the store. That's about as exciting as the mall got today. I got a haircut, but she didn't shampoo...I like it when girls shampoo my head. She was the owner and from New Hampshire, but doesn't ski or board.
Ha, there ya go! The credo of the Arthur Berry school of ski area management! BTW, are you really a paid employee?
Missed it. But the season passes are the same.
You find the two mutually exclusive? Really? I tend to think Tim and Diane Mueller's concept of turning a profit is a little better than what Arthur Berry's been showing.
Yep. That's all we're saying. If anyone wants to conider the profit margin as the priority in when to run lifts, then maybe they'd get a better reception at the Ski Area Management message board.
He is? Like when the lifties are so untrained that they don't catch the non-detachable chairs? Or when the lifties are so untrained that they stand around holding shovels while the landing area of the lift has rocks showing and no place to avoid them? Like when the kids making pizza at the end of the night fill your request for a plain slice by removing the pepperoni after it's been cooked on? Or when the people in skier services call you a liar, then promote themselves when you ask to speak to a manager? It begins at the top, bro...and by that standard, the owner has a lot of work to do.
I can't believe I went to the Steamtown Mall today.
"Don't forget to buy your Season Pass at discount rates until Jan 5." This winter's starting to feel a little Saddamish...
Not to enjoy anyone else's pain, but it makes me feel a little better that CB is closed. We're looking at freaking movie theatre times
Claiming to have naked photos of people's children will tend to get you threatened with good reason, don't you think, 1st Grade? And it's a lot different if, say, Doug or Jeff had posted that in a funny way, as opposed to someone who has actually gone out of his way to find someone's car to put things under a PAR member's windhshield wiper. Heck, it would have been fine for you to post...but Cadillac has actually stalked a member of PASR, so nothing he says is funny to me.
What's the point of joining a message board and then saying something that will get your ass kicked if anyone finds out who you are? Because you are a nobody, anything you say (or put on people's cars) has no ill effect on me. But if you knew me better, you'd know that you can now never let me know who you are. Bummer for you; no loss for me whatsoever. And just in case you want to start flaming, I'll repeat that I don't give a crap what you post, so you can flame away. See ya on the slopes...
From AJ: Hi Racers... or perhaps golfers or tennis players, would have been more appropriate given the weather in the northeast. Our Jan 6/7 races at Tanglwood are currently being classified as "possible maybes". The Tanglwood Webcam shows lots of bare ground, however, they actually have covered trails that are out of view of the Webcam. The weather forecast indicates that there is a chance to cover the race trail in time for the ASRA events, but a difference of a degree or two in either direction can change things dramatically. We will know more in a few days. We will attempt to relocate if possible, but marginal or non-existent conditions for racing are prevalent in most areas we've spoken to - including those in NY. An update will be placed on the opening page of the ASRA Web site during mid-week. The schedule is being confirmed, bit by bit, and the TBA's are currently as follows: Jan 13 / 14 - Tanglwood, Roundtop or Catamount - weather will dictate and we should know by mid-week. Jan 20/21 - Spring Mountain or Roundtop Feb 9th - SG at Windham Feb 24/25 - Spring Mountain or Roundtop
"i figured the conditions would be a little spring-like" Hahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahaha... Priceless, dude.
Have you ever gotten pissed and told your GF you never wanted to see her again? Eh, maybe it's not exactly the same thing...
Okay, a few less six packs version...
They'll open Monday or Tuesday. They're just waiting for all the gapers to go back to the city. Or, as they put it on the website: In the spirit of the holiday season, Sn
Wait!!!! Sung while doing the Running Man!
Yeah, Schif, what was I thinking... And it would have been nice if they at least had a place for teens to party until midnight, too. I guess want to be rated F for family, like CB...
Oh, man, I don't even mention gra$$ skiing until May. But, seriously, if I'm paying $20 for their open bar, then they gotta at least crank up the bunny lift or bad sh*t might happen. Could you imagine me drunk on NYE at Sno, with my skis in my Jeep, and actually not hiking for some turns? Maybe Schif will bail me out.
In the spirit of the holiday season, Sn