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Everything posted by ski14

  1. you have to remember they've been open a lot longer this season, and I have noticed a lot more this season for example, last saturday there was a good 15 minute wait for phoebe and iron horse at times, ive also noticed a lot more buses this year
  2. check out todays times about sno, season pass sales more than doubled, employment is up, and skiier visits are way up....good to hear
  3. they shouldnt advertise it as being a year round attraction then
  4. wasnt it supposed to be open all winter?
  5. sno really needs to advertise more, I've only heard an advertisement for them once on the radio
  6. i heard it on wyou
  7. it was the top story on the 11 News, a girl interviewed said the cable fell off, but no official word was given
  8. so when are any new trails opening? it seems unreal that its been so cold and nothing new has opened yet
  9. right now they have sidewinder open without fast track? how is that possible
  10. ski14

    Lodging choices

    Nichols Village in clarks summit, best place in the area
  11. compared to snos thats like a circle
  12. anyone hear any word on whats going to be new this year, if anything since it seems all concentration is on the water park?
  13. I was there....the lazy river is complete just finishing touches and the mat racers looked complete...the building for the wave pool is up just no pool and the footers were in for the tornado slide..zip rider was sweet, not very long tho
  14. zip rider to open next week
  15. check out the new sno cove website..
  16. anyone been up there?
  17. Has anyone been up there lately/ any progress being made?
  18. You know Sno will have the park perfect for the competetion, why wouldnt they? this thread is pointless....
  19. ski14

    New trails?

    it closes every night since there are no lights on it
  20. ski14

    New trails?

    I have no idea why that mound of snow is there, but rattler is usually very icey and its so narrow
  21. ski14

    New trails?

    yes rattler is open
  22. are they still planning on expanding and remodeling the lodge?
  23. new top of page and who's read for the fireworks spectacular! haha
  24. A pipe down on cannonball burst open and was spraying water all over tonight
  25. only 20 trails open today? anyone know wuts closed
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