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Everything posted by Matt80

  1. Wow, mainline sounds sick...Any word when the park on spike is going to be up?
  2. wow, finally!
  3. i just got back from sno...today was real good. i spent most of the day hiking the last 3 rails on mainline and the park crew did a awsome job settin them up. Towards the end the landings got a little icy but today was a real nice day to ride. Northface also had great conditions throughout the day.
  4. nice, what ages are in the grom group?
  5. Anybody know if theres a downloadable relese form online?
  6. ill be in it
  7. Newswatch 16 showed the guns blowin up at sno!!
  8. This is from the website: "Breaking News! Snow guns are ready, Weather is perfect, Sn
  9. If you cant make it up there before tomarrow, you can just order it off there site.
  10. reall nice edit, good job.
  11. First one wont work for me, it says its a private clip.
  12. theres some pics on snos site, also check out eastcoast22.com , they have some pics aswell.
  13. wow, you guys did a reall good job on that thing, it looks perfect.
  14. i just got home and conditions were real nice today.
  15. conditions today were the best they had been in while, it was so nice havin fresh powder every run.
  16. they should put the mailbox sideways on top of it and make it a spine sorta thing.
  17. Im prett sure its just the pipe and spike not mainline.
  18. Anyone know where Guest services is? Would it be the office?
  19. when is the revolution tour?
  20. Get Your Park Pass! A park pass is required in order to gain entry to the Loki
  21. The pass will be free and you must watch a short video and sign a release form in order to participate. If you are under 18, a parent or guardian must sign the release.
  22. real good move, no more gapers
  23. ya that sucks to hear, lets hope he gets better quickly.
  24. i dont think so, pretty sure that is all snow.
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