Is it also true that he is the one actually behind Camelbacks' Park improvements or lack of?
I am not behind the improvements that Camelback is making. Or as you say lack there of. Let's be honest, the season really hasn't been far to our region weather wise to realy gage anyone's performance.
I am excited to see all the mountains in our region step it up. Everyone continues to annouce improvements and most are centered around the park and pipes.
My affiliation with Camelback is with the creation of the Camelback Mountain School. This is a program that trains riders for regional competitions. For years we have been losing riders to the north and west because we did not have any coaching programs in the region. In addition those riders that could take advantage of those academies had to be independantly waelthy. We are offering a cost effective coaching program in the region at a mountain that was willing to support us and our efforts. I do not make a penny off the program.
I hope to see more programs grow at area mountains to continue to grow the sport and create rivalries amoung teams. (much like that exist up north and out west)
Right now we do not offer actual classes, i.e. school. We are traying to gain the support of the school to simply honor our competition schedule and understand that athletes that qualify for nationals and such will need to miss school. In the same respect we will instill the same academic requires of our athletes as the school does on their athletes, i.e. baseball, basketball, field hockey, etc. Some day maybe it could become a an actual academy?
We also, hope the program can grow in both directions. Entry level riders that really don't compete, but are trained in the varying diciplines. And elite athletes that have outgrown the region level comps and are willing to travel to various USSA, TTR and unsanctioned high exposure level events.